Dr Gerbert van Dijk

Dr Gerbert van Dijk

Dr Gerbert van Dijk



Room 67
Block A, Level 1
Mater Dei Hospital
  +356 2340 1156
In 2009, Gerbert van Dijk obtained a Degree in Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy from Inholland University of Applied Sciences. Subsequently, he started working at a public hospital in Malta as a therapeutic radiographer where he gained valuable clinical experiences. In 2013, Gerbert pursued his interest in healthcare research and obtained an MSc from the University College Dublin.

Gerbert has been involved in undergraduate radiography education in Malta since 2011. Apart from lecturing, Gerbert is actively involved in the clinical tutoring and assessment of radiography students' skills and competencies
  • DNS2106 - Introduction to the Clinical Management of the Dental Patient
  • RAD1112 - Radiography Practice
  • RAD1152 - Introduction to Research Methods
  • RAD2209 - Central Nervous System: Imaging, Pathology, Radiotherapy and Oncology
  • RAD3114 - Clinical Radiotherapy Practice 3: Linear Accelerator
  • RAD3115 - Clinical Radiotherapy Practice 4: Radiotherapy Treatment Planning, Records and Verification
  • RAD3331 - Advanced Radiotherapy Science - Radiobiology, Imaging in Radiotherapy and Enhanced Radiotherapy
  • RAD3332 - Radiotherapy Science: Head and Neck Region, Endocrine, Haemopoietic and Lymphoreticular Systems
  • RAD3405 - Patient Review in Radiotherapy and Oncology
