CODE | CIS3081 | ||||||
TITLE | Advanced Client/Server Computing and Distributed Databases | ||||||
UM LEVEL | 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course | ||||||
MQF LEVEL | 6 | ||||||
ECTS CREDITS | 4 | ||||||
DEPARTMENT | Computer Information Systems | ||||||
DESCRIPTION | The overall aim to this unit is to reinforce and introduce to students principles, techniques and methodologies for the deployment and movement of the computational artefacts (eg. data and programs) across state of art computer infrastructures. This unit should provide an essential background for further Client/Server model applications which deploy objects and use an object oriented approach for interoperability among different platforms. One accent of this unit is given to deep understanding of Client/Server model mainly regarding connection and communication issues between the Client and Server. Three tier architecture is also applied namely to the Server (middle tier) handling of a database (third tier). Client/Server model: single and multiple (heterogeneous) platforms. Connection issues (connectionless, connection oriented). Socket structure and programming. Programming interface to communication protocols. Addressing issues, static and dynamic address binding, using name servers. Client software design. Server software design. Case studies of four basic types of servers. Multiprotocol and Multiservice Servers. Design Strategies – Concept of Multi-tier Architecture. Design concepts using various technologies including access to RDBMS. Server connectivity to databases. ODBC model. Accessing databases using SQL. Monolithic and Object based Client/Server architectures. Client – Server Objects Interoperability. DCOM (Distributed Common Object Model) - basic features, concept of interfaces, automation principles. Another accent of this unit is the study of distributed data and functions, across computer network. The theory, design, specification, implementation, and performance of distributed database systems are pursued. Also the inherently different set-ups for multidatabase are emphasized. Topics include principles of naming and location, atomicity, query processing and optimisation, resource sharing, concurrency control and other synchronization, recovery procedures, deadlock detection and avoidance, security, distributed access and control, distributed systems design, consistency and fault tolerance. Textbooks: - D.E.Comer, D.L.Stevens Internetworking with TCP/IP: Client-Server Programming and Applications Prentice Hall 1996 ISBN 0-13-262148-7. - B.Quin, D.Shute Windows Socket Network Programming Addison Wesley Professional 1996 ISBN 0-201-63372-8. - D.T.Dewire Client Server Computing McGraw-Hill 1993 ISBN 0-07-016732-X. - M.T. Ozsu, P.V. Valduriez., Principles of Distributed Databases, PH Publishers. - O.A. Bukhres, A.K. Elmagarmki, et al Object Oriented Multidatabase Systems, PH Publishers (out of print). |
ADDITIONAL NOTES | Leads to: CIS3110, CIS3180 Students taking this study-unit require expertise in CIS. |
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Lecture and Practical | ||||||
LECTURER/S | Vitezslav Nezval Joseph Vella |
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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |