
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sports. It is the EU’s flagship education and training programme, emphasises student and staff mobility and European cooperation involving higher education institutions and other key players in the knowledge-based economy.

It supports the creation of a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) through increased mobility, to allow for innovation, growth and jobs in the EU. On 25 March 2021, Erasmus+ 2021-2027 was launched by the European Commission, to continue building on the results achieved so far.

The Erasmus Charter for Higher Education provides the general framework for the European Cooperation activities a higher education institution (HEI) may carry out within the Erasmus programme. The Erasmus Policy Statement provides an overview of the University of Malta International Strategy.

With the Extended Erasmus University Charter, the University of Malta is entitled to apply for Erasmus funding for student mobility for studies and for traineeships, as well as for the transnational mobility activities for staff members both Academic and Administrative, as well as participate in projects funded under the Erasmus+ programme.