Photo (from left to right): Ms Giulia Bugeja (Student Representative), Ms Fernanda Giraldo Guzman (SEA-EU Office), Ms Isabella Bianco (SEA-EU Office), Ms Maria Grima Calleja (SEA-EU Office), Rector Prof. Alfred J Vella, Prof. Alan Deidun (Rector’s Delegate for the SEA-EU), Ms Victoria Gauci (International Office), Ms Catriona Marie Vella (International Office)
Governing Week (GW) is a pivotal event for the SEA-EU alliance, providing an opportunity for Alliance coordinators and signatories to convene in person and tackle the most challenging aspects of leading the collaboration among the nine SEA-EU my coastal universities.
The intensive week of Governing Week in Bodo, Norway took place in the last days of May. It was filled with high-level meetings and discussions aimed at addressing critical issues and advancing the alliance's objectives. Attendees include the rectors and vice-rectors of the SEA-EU universities, along with other key project participants, fostering a comprehensive and collaborative approach to governance and strategic planning.
The University of Malta's SEA-EU Governing Week delegation was led by the Rector Prof. Alfred J. Vella, supported by Prof. Alan Deidun, the Rector’s Delegate for SEA-EU. The International Office was well-represented by Ms Victoria Gauci (Deputy Director) and Ms Catriona Marie Vella (Administrator). The delegation also featured key members from the SEA-EU Office: Ms Maria Grima Calleja (Senior Manager), Ms Fernanda Giraldo Guzman, Ms Isabella Bianco (both Project Officers). Ms Giulia Bugeja (KSU Student and International Affairs Officer) was representing the student body.
During the Governing Week in Bodo, the Rector of the University of Malta, Prof. Alfred J Vella, officially assumed the role of Rotating Rector Coordinator of the SEA-EU Alliance. This significant appointment is part of a rotating presidency scheme that sees each university rector lead the alliance for a six-month term.
As the Rotating Rector Coordinator, the UM Rector now serves as the institutional representative of the SEA-EU alliance. This role entails chairing and hosting the Governing Board meetings and promoting the actions planned during his mandate. This structured rotation fosters a diverse and inclusive leadership within the SEA-EU alliance, promoting unity and shared responsibility among the member institutions.
The University of Malta's leadership in the coming months is expected to drive forward the alliance's initiatives, leveraging the collaborative spirit that SEA-EU embodies. The UM Rector's tenure as coordinator will conclude with the organisation of the SEA-EU Governing Week in Malta on 26 - 28 November.