Two fully-funded Master by Research scholarships are being offered by the University of Malta in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).
PSI is the largest multidisciplinary research centre in Switzerland with 4500 international scientists using its facilities, an annual budget of €342 million per year and an overall capital investment of more than €2 billion. PSI will be launching its new flagship project this year: the SwissFEL. This is a state of the art big science machine that is planned to perform Nobel level ground-breaking experiments in the composition of matter.
One multidisciplinary Master by Research is in the field of instrumentation, measurement, data analysis, modelling and control. The other multidisciplinary Master by Research is in the field of microprocessors, digital electronics, motion control and programming in C and/or Python.
Both Masters are specifically designed to be applicable to local industry and are also rather flexible to cater for the interests, background and knowledge of the successful candidates.
Both projects entail spending a number of months at PSI, in scenic Switzerland. Graduates or final year students of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering and Physics are eligible to apply. This is an excellent opportunity to be part of a project with access to significant research resources. Beyond the outstanding first-class scientific value of the research project, the selected candidates will find collaborating in a multidisciplinary and multicultural environment an extremely enriching personal experience. There are no pre-requisite modules for application and tailor-made training will be made available to the successful candidate if required.
All expenses (including travel and living expenses) will be covered by the scholarship.
Interested or enquiring candidates are requested to send an email with their draft transcript to by Thursday 6 April 2017.