Dr Christian Attard
B.A. (Hons)(Melit.),M.A. (Melit.),Ph.D.(Melit.)
- Visual Culture
- Iconographies of Plague and Death
- Counter-Reformation Imagery
- AAH2035 - Twentieth-Century Visual Culture
- AAH3037 - Milestones in the History of Photography and Cinemas
- AAH3217 - Fine Arts Synoptic Study-unit 1
- AAH3218 - Fine Arts Synoptic Study-Unit 2
- ARC5010 - Osteoarchaeology
- ART1003 - Artistic Techniques: Painting, Sculpture and Printing
- ART1027 - The Visual Culture of the Central Mediterranean: Malta and Sicily in the 17th and 18th Century
- ART1114 - Study Tour
- ART2008 - High Renaissance and Mannerism in Italy
- ART2020 - Art in Malta 2: From the Early Knights’ Period to the Plague of 1676
- ART2314 - Conservation Placement
- ART3017 - History of Art Synoptic Study-Unit 1
- ART3018 - History of Art Synoptic Study-Unit 2
- ART3019 - Art in Malta 5: Twentieth-Century Visual Culture
- ART3040 - The Art of the Counter Reformation outside Italy
- ART5001 - Research Methodology for History of Art
- SPA1006 - Spanish Art from Earliest Times to Goya