Robert Tanti graduated B.Sc.(Hons.) in Biology and Chemistry and joined the University of Malta Junior College in 2002 where he taught biology on a part-time basis. In the meantime he held the post of Scientific Officer and Head of the Bacteriology Laboratory at the Plant Health Department of the Ministry for Rural Affairs and Environment. His responsibilities included the management of a laboratory for the diagnosis of plant bacterial diseases, as well as the planning and supervision of surveys for quarantine bacterial diseases of crops both on the local produce as well as on imported material. During this time he also attended various training programmes at the Universities of Tuscia (Viterbo) and Bologna, and at the Central Science Laboratory, York (U.K.).
In 2006 he was appointed Assistant Lecturer on a full-time basis at the Junior College after completing his M.Sc. in Biology. In 2011 he obtained an M.A. in Bioethics from the University of Malta and thereafter read for a Postgraduate Diploma in Educational Leadership which he completed in 2013.
At the Junior College he has served four terms as coordinator for student clubs, the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award Scheme and other co-curricular activities. He also served seven terms as staff representative on the Junior College Board.
Mr Tanti is co-author of a text book for Intermediate Level Biology which is unique in its nature and has been adopted by both the Junior College as well as other public and private sixth forms as the main text book for teaching the subject matter.
TANTI, R., 2019. You are What Your Grandmother Did! Responsibilities Towards Future Generations in the Epigenomic Era. In: AGIUS, E. & ZAMMIT, R., ed, Contemporary Issues in Bioethics. 1st edn. Malta: Professional Ethics Platform, Faculty of Theology, University of Malta, pp. 61-97.
BUTTIGIEG, K. and TANTI, R., 2012. Biological Concepts for Intermediate Level. 2nd edn. Malta University Publishers Ltd.
TANTI, R. and CAMILLERI, N., 2012. Banning human cloning: An epigenetic argument. In: A.M. VELLA, ed, Bioethics and Society - A Brave New World? 1st edn. Malta: University Chaplaincy, pp. 44-63.
PORTA-PUGLIA, A., TANTI, R. and MIFSUD, D., 2006. A severe outbreak of crown and root rot of tomato caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici in Malta. . Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 44(3), pp. 319-321.