Prof. Ing. Charles Yousif graduated as a Mechanical Engineer in 1989 and obtained an M.Phil. Degree in 1995 focusing on the performance of solar photovoltaic systems. In 2015 he obtained his PhD degree in energy performance of residential buildings. In 2008, he was awarded the title Of EUR ING from FEANI and in 2018, he was awarded the title of Warranted Mechanical Engineer in Malta.
Prof. Ing. Yousif is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Sustainable Energy, of the University of Malta and has worked at different grades within the Institute for the past 30 years. He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the College of Integrated Science and Technology, of James Madison University, Virginia, U.S.A.
He has authored several book chapters and has published over 100 local and international scientific papers and articles that mainly concentrate on solar photovoltaic systems, solar water heating, hybrid-systems, energy audits, renewable energy policies and education, shallow ground geothermal systems, UV radiation and energy performance of buildings.
He is a lead consultant to several government advisory bodies within the Island State of Malta and the private sector. He is Malta's pioneer on testing photovoltaic systems during its early deployment (1993-2012) and solar radiation (1992- ongoing) and ground temperature monitoring (2014 - ongoing). He is currently coordinating the University's training courses for certifying solar installers in Malta and for zero energy buildings. Following his successful completion of his PhD on energy performance in buildings, he has become one of the key scholars on this topic in Malta. His research works have been translated into useful inputs to several national policies on energy performance of buildings.
Within the area of NGOs. Prof. Ing. Yousif is a Founder Member and Secretary General of the Malta Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energies Association (M.E.E.R.E.A.).