Degreeplus Summer Programme 2024

Degreeplus Summer Programme 2024

For the General Public

Fee: €50 per DegreePlus (DGP) unit.

Registration period: Monday 3rd June 2024 to Friday 28th June 2024.

Sessions will be held online via Zoom & link for the sessions will be sent directly by email from the tutor. 


Summer Period

Researching and publishing scientific work has gained momentum across the years as the mantra “publish or perish” has taken over the health ecosystem. Indeed, students are becoming more inclined to take part in and/or conduct medical research as an extra-curricular project during their undergraduate studies.

Yet, many struggle to translate their ideas into actionable research and to eventually publish their work. This unit is targeted at undergraduate medical and health sciences students and intends to introduce them to clinical research.

Students will be introduced to the general process required to prepare for a research study, to conduct the research and to finally publish their work while abiding by ethical and scientific processes.

Sessions will be delivered on the following dates from 10am to 12noon:

Wednesday 3rd July

Friday 5th July

Wednesday 10th July

Friday 12th July

Wednesday 17th July

Friday 19th July

Wednesday 24th July

Wednesday 31st July

Study-unit description

Summer Period - registered students only.

The UM Library Work and Experience Programme offers participants the opportunity to learn about academic library services, programmes and processes through hands-on experience and work at the UM Library. This programme offers a unique learning opportunity for UM students to gain practical skills while making a meaningful contribution to the library and its mission.

Dates communicated to you by tutor

Study-unit description


Summer Period

Does studying the Humanities still matter today? Is there still any value in pursuing a degree in the Humanities? In this study-unit, students will be given the opportunity to develop their own arguments in relation to these questions, using classical perspectives as a starting point in the investigation.

The intersection between the Humanities and various other contemporary disciplines such as politics, gender studies, artificial intelligence (AI), digitisation, media, and business will be discussed.

Dates TBA

Study-unit description 

Summer Programme

With Augustus, Rome became an empire with an emperor standing at the vertex of political life. This unit will deal with Rome's first five emperors from Augustus to Nero, and their acquisition and handling of power.

This will be analysed within the context of the intense atmosphere of strife and conspiracies inside the imperial palace, and Rome and its empire, at the head of which stood the Julio-Claudians. The emperor, with his omnipotent power, was master of the world, but this also contributed to a precarious position which was accompanied by conspiracies and struggles for power fraught with danger and violence.

Dates TBA

Detailed study-unit description

Summer Semester

Few men have held such a presiding as well as controversial position in history as Napoleon Bonaparte. An ambitious and skilled military leader, he came to ride over the Revolution along with the implications that this carried. From Revolutionary to Emperor, Napoleon still divides public opinion over the disputed position which he occupied and what this stood for.

Perhaps, this reflects his practical military character, with the French armies marching victoriously through Europe, as he  introduced those elements that would develop into 'modernity'. Napoleon's figure thus still divides, as in the Europe of his times, the perception of him as the propagator of Liberté which some welcomed, or a 'tyrant' which others resisted and against whom the Great Powers of the Ancién Regime mobilised. As Napoleon himself once stated “From the sublime to the ridiculous, there is but a step.

Dates TBA

Detailed study-unit description

Summer Period

A Latin course for complete beginners. This course is ideal for students who desire an introduction to the Latin Language. By the end of the course students shall be able to form and translate simple Latin Sentences.

Sessions will be delivered online every Monday from 5pm to 7pm on the following dates:









Study-unit description

Summer Period

Is-sit tal-Wikipedija bil-lingwa Maltija ( fih madwar 5,000 artiklu, li jagħmlu wieħed minn l-iżgħar lingwi fil-Wikipedija. Dawn il-lekċers huma għal dawk li jridu l-Wikipedija tagħna tikber. Ħa jkun hemm ftit ħin dedikat biex titgħallem kif teditja artikli tal-Wikipedija u mbagħad tingħata biċċa xogħol biex tgħin fit-tkabbir u titjib tal-Wikipedija bil-lingwa Maltija, bl-għajnuna tal-Wikimedia Community Malta ( 

Il-kors se jsir online nhar ta' Tnejn f'dawn id-dati bejn l-17:00 u s-19:000 (Il-link ghal dawn is-sessjonijiet ha tintbat mill-ghalliem):









Deskrizzjoni tas-Suġġett

Perjodu tas-Sajf

Din it-taqsima hija mmirata għal studenti li qed jistudjaw f’oqsma akkademiċi differenti u li diġà huma midħla tal-ilsien Malti iżda jixtiequ jiksbu ħila ikbar fl-użu tal-ilsien Malti biex iħejju ruħhom aħjar għall-ħajja professjonali tagħhom

Il-kors joffri taħriġ ortografiku li bih l-istudenti jkunu jistgħu jsaffu l-kitba tagħhom mill-iżbalji u jaġġornaw ruħhom mal-aħħar żviluppi fil-kitba tal-Malti.

Grupp A:

Il-kors se jsir online nhar ta' Erbgha f'dawn id-dati bejn l-16:00 u s-18:00: 









Grupp B:

Il-kors se jsir online nhar ta' Erbgha f'dawn id-dati bejn l-16:00 u s-18:00:









Deskrizzjoni tas-Suġġett

Semestru 1

Dan il-kors prattiku u intensiv tal-kitba tal-poeżija, jiffoka fuq il-mekkaniżmi ewlenin li huma meħtieġa biex tinbena poeżija biċċa biċċa u biex il-poeżija ma tibqax biss kliem fuq karta, imma tieħu ħajja ġdida lil hinn, speċjalment quddiem udjenza.

Il-kors jibda billi jħares lejn dak li nkiteb diġà kif ukoll lejn dak li qed jinkiteb. Poeżiji oħra, kemm Maltin kif ukoll barranin, iservu ta’ mudell biex minnhom jinsiltu eżempji partikolari li jgħinu lil dak li jkun jirrifletti fuq l-att tal-kitba nnifisha u fuq it-tekniki diversi li jistgħu jitħaddmu u l-effett Ii jħallu. Għakhekk, dawk li jiktbu l-poeżija jinvestu l-ħin u l-enerġija kreattiva tagħhom mhux biss f'kitba li tfittex l-aħjar espressjoni possibbli imma qabelxejn fil-qari tal-poeżija. Kull sessjoni ta' sagħtejn tinqasam f’qari, riflessjonijiet u istruzzjonijiet, u f’ħin għal kitba prattika li tesperimenta b'mekkaniżmi u strateġiji differenti.

It-temi li se jiġu indirizzati huma varji u permezz tagħhom joħroġ fid-dieher kif tiġi indirizzata tema minn poeti differenti, fi żminijiet differenti. Il-kors iħares lejn tekniki bħar-ripetizzjoni u l-enjambment, kif ukoll ir-rwol fundamentali tar-ritmu u tax-xbihat figurattivi li ħafna drabi tfittex il-poeżija. Il-kors iħeġġeġ lill-parteċipanti biex jesperimentaw u ma jibżgħux jiktbu l-ewwel versi tagħhom.

Il-kors jintoffra f'dawn id-dati mis-14:00 sal-16:00. 









Deskrizzjoni tas-Suġġett

Summer Period

This is an opportunity to learn the basis of Classic Greek starting from the alphabet. By the end of the course, you will have learnt basic vocabulary, grammar, and reading simple texts of this language that has contributed so much culture and science. No prior knowledge of the language is required.

Optional homework and in-class tests may be set by the lecturer but performance in either of this will have no bearing on certification. This study-unit is for students with no prior knowledge of Classical Greek.

Sessions will be delivered on Tuesdays online via ZOOM from 5pm to 7pm on the following dates:









Study-unit description

Summer Period

This eight-week course will introduce students to the realm of Ancient Greek Mythology.

Throughout the study-unit we shall discuss the impact that these myths had on Ancient Greek civilisation and how these myths affected the culture and society of the people that believed in them.

Students will be also introduced to mythology through ancient literary sources such as Homer and Hesiod, as well as through ancient drama such as the tragedies of Euripides.

Lectures are scheduled to be delivered online via ZOOM every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm on the following dates:









Study-unit description

Summer Period

A mixed-focus Thematic Approach which seeks to explore elements of Greek and Roman history through a thematic rather than chronological approach that puts the emphasis on these themes rather than on the narrative.

Sessions will be delivered online via ZOOM on Thursdays from 16:30 to 18:30 on the following dates:









Study-unit description

UM Students ONLY.

Now you can lend a helping hand and get your work recognised by University through DegreePlus!

The Voluntary Work stream will give you the opportunity to help others through your involvement in approved voluntary work projects. This will help you sustain the ‘voluntary’ spirit and get exposure to certain social realities in Malta. You will also get the opportunity to work in teams and to learn and develop the necessary support skills thereby enhancing your social skills and learn how to implement effective planning.

For the Summer period, DegreePlus is offering the below Voluntary Work unit:

**DGP0205 - Voluntary Work Summer Programme - Summer Semester

Important note:
For more information and to apply please contact the Voluntary Work co-ordinator on or on +356 2340 2341.

Recognition for Voluntary Work:
If you are already doing voluntary work in Malta you may apply for this and you will be recognised. To apply please contact the Voluntary Work coordinator on or on +356 2340 2341.

**For the above unit which is offered by third parties and is recognised & accredited by DegreePlus. The University of Malta shall not be held responsible for the content and/or delivery of such unit and shall not be held liable for any claims, demands or actions that may arise out of the content and/or delivery of this unit.

UM Students ONLY.

Now you can lend a helping hand and get your work recognised by University through DegreePlus!

The Voluntary Work stream will give you the opportunity to help others through your involvement in approved voluntary work projects. This will help you sustain the ‘voluntary’ spirit and get exposure to certain social realities abroad. You will also get the opportunity to work in teams and to learn and develop the necessary support skills thereby enhancing your social skills and learn how to implement effective planning.

**DGP0210 - Voluntary Work Abroad - Summer Semester

Important note:
For more information and to apply please contact the Voluntary Work co-ordinator on or on +356 2340 2341.

Recognition for Voluntary Work:
If you are already doing voluntary work abroad you may apply for this and you will be recognised. To apply please contact the Voluntary Work coordinator on or on +356 2340 2341.

**For the above unit which is offered by third parties and is recognised & accredited by DegreePlus. The University of Malta shall not be held responsible for the content and/or delivery of such unit and shall not be held liable for any claims, demands or actions that may arise out of the content and/or delivery of this unit.