The Committee for Sustainability at the University of Malta (C-SUM) is a joint Council and Senate Committee. It was agreed that the terms of reference of the Committee be as follows:
- oversee the implementation of the Theme VII Sustainability of the University of Malta Strategic Plan 2020-2025
- develop the sustainability vision, strategy and objectives for the University of Malta
- identify sustainability areas in line with the SDGs that can be implemented at the University of Malta, and establish targets and indicators to oversee and monitor implementation
- access and collect all the necessary information to support its monitoring and reporting functions across all entities within the University and report performance in international metrics
- support or undertake the necessary research on various aspects of implementing and maintaining sustainability practices at the University, and participate in local, national and international fora to present results and achievements
- establish effective communication with the University community on sustainability issues arising from time to time on and around the Campus, and recommend proposals for improvement.
Senate and Council also agreed that the membership of the Committee shall be at the discretion of the Rector and shall reflect the needs of the strategic objectives of the University. In this regard, it shall include members with oversight in Estates and Works, Finance, Human Resources and the Secretary’s Office, and a KSU student representative.
Term of Appointment:
1 January 2025 to 31 December 2025
Composition of the Committee
Professor Valerie Sollars
Professor Maria Attard
Ms Amanda Borg Ciantar (delegate of the Director HRMD)
Mr Joe Bugeja (delegate of the Director of Finance)
Dr Censu Caruana
Ms Audrey Ann Cascun (delegate of the Secretary)
Professor David Magri
Inġ. Reuben Mifsud
Dr Jeanette Mireille Munoz Abela
Professor Inġ. Paul Refalo
Perit Christopher Spiteri
Ms Emma De Gabriele (KSU Representative) - up to 30 September 2025
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