Digital Education Committee

Digital Education Committee

The Digital Education Committee has been set up to provide advice and recommendations to the Senate on educational technologies for teaching, learning and assessment.

Terms of reference

The Committee provides advice on:

  • the adoption and best practice use of mainstream educational technologies (e.g. VLE, lecture capture, web conferencing platform, digital assessment platform, plagiarism detection software, audio-visual technologies)
  • current and emerging educational technology developments and practices for teaching, learning and assessment:
    - existing and future policies and procedures related to educational technologies,
    - support, training, communication and professional learning requirements related to educational technologies, and
    - priorities for funding of educational technology-related projects.

Term of Appointment:
1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024

Composition of the Committee

Professor Victor Buttigieg


Ms Jo-Anne Attard
Dr Ing. John Betts
Professor Philip Bonanno
Dr Michelle Camilleri
Ms Josianne Camilleri Vella
Professor Joseph Cannataci
Professor Maria Cassar
Dr James Cilia
Professor Anthony Fenech
Professor Matthew Montebello
Director for IT Services or delegate
Academic Registrar or delegate
Director for Human Resources Management & Development or delegate
Mr Andrew Sciberras (Student Representative) - up to 30 September 2024
Ms Zachea Scicluna (Student Representative) - up to 30 September 2024

This Committee can set up working groups to focus on aspects of digital education such as e-assessment.

The Chair can invite academics from outside the Committee to contribute to these working groups.

To get to know more access the Digital Education Committee website.