Certificate of Finance in International Trade [PDF]
Certificate in Insurance [PDF]
Diploma in Commerce [PDF]
Higher Diploma in Administration and Management [PDF]
Higher Diploma in Organisation and Business Leadership [PDF]
Higher Diploma in Logistics and Transportation Management [PDF]
Higher Diploma in Marketing and Sales Management [PDF]
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics and Governance [PDF]
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Administration [PDF]
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Management [PDF]
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Sector Accounting [PDF]
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Tourism Studies) [PDF]
Bachelor of Commerce [PDF] applicable for courses commencing in October 2023 or later
Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) [PDF]
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accountancy and Information Systems [PDF]
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business and Information Technology [PDF]
Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Regulation and Compliance [PDF]
Executive Master of Business Administration [PDF]
International Master of Business Administration [PDF] applicable for courses commencing in October 2023 or later
Master Chef Diploma [PDF]
Master in Accountancy [PDF]
Master of Arts (by Research) [PDF]
Master of Arts in Banking, Investments and Finance [PDF]
Master of Arts in International Hospitality and Tourism Experience Management [PDF]
Master of Arts in Management of Social Care Services [PDF]
Master of Arts in Public Policy Leadership [PDF]
Master of Arts in Taxation [PDF]
Master of Arts in Tourism [PDF]
Master of Arts in Tourism and Culture [PDF]
Master of Science [PDF]
Master of Science in Economics [PDF]
Master of Science in Insurance and Risk Management [PDF]
Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management [PDF]
Master of Science in Marketing [PDF]
Master of Science in Tourism, Development and Culture Degree Course [PDF]
Doctor of Philosophy [PDF]