The terms of reference are to:
- make recommendations for the development and updating of the Quality Assurance Policy of the University so as to promote and foster its quality culture and support the implementation of the vision and strategy of the University
- periodically review quality indicators so as to monitor the quality and standards of learning, teaching, assessment and research by Faculties, Institutes, Centres and Schools, and the fulfillment of the vision of the University
- access the necessary information so as to support the Committee's oversight and monitoring functions
- provide feedback and recommendations for improvement to staff and entities following the ongoing review of programmes of study, including training, and to recommend proposals for improvement to Senate
- undertake and monitor the Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) processes and procedures within the University, including the external component of the IQA
- prepare for and co-ordinate External Quality Assurance (EQA) procedures of the University, as an integral part of its quality culture, and
- follow up on the recommendations of EQA reports and monitor their implementation progress.