Prof. James Corby - Head of Department
Romantic and Modernist Aesthetics; Literary Theory; Contemporary Poetry, Literature and Philosophy; Phenomenology.
Prof. Mario Aquilina
Style and Rhetoric; Literary Theory; English Language Proficiency; Electronic Literature.
Dr Aaron Aquilina
Critical and Literary Theory, Literature and Philosophy, Queer Studies, Creative Writing, Comparative Literature
Dr Krista Bonello Rutter Giappone
Shakespeare, Comedy studies, Video games, Horror film, Punk, Higher Education and Law.
Prof. Stella Borg Barthet
Postcolonial Literature; Afro-American Writing; Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English Fiction; Nineteenth-Century American Writing.
Prof. Ivan Callus
Contemporary Fiction; Critical and Cultural Theory; Posthumanism.
Dr Giuliana Fenech
Transmedia Narrative; Play and Performance; Cultural Theory; New Media Studies; Mixed Reality Storytelling; Children's Literature; Dramaturgy.
Prof. Maria Frendo
T.S. Eliot; Modernism; the Literature of Symbolism and Decadence; Shakespeare; the Late Nineteenth-century Libretto, Literature and Music.
Dr Marija Grech
Literary theory, Comparative literature, Narrative, American Studies.
Prof. Lydia Sciriha
Sociolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Discourse Analysis.
Prof. Odette Vassallo
Stylistics; Applied Linguistics; Learner Corpora; Pragmatics; Language and the Literary Mind; Empirical Research in Literary Reading.