Termbase Digitisation Project
In 2013, the Department of Translation, Terminology & Interpreting Studies was awarded funds from the University Research Fund for its Termbase Digitisation Project. The project is coordinated by Professor Sergio Portelli and consists of the digitisation of bilingual termbases compiled by former students of the Department as part of their M.A. dissertation. The aim of the ongoing project is to make these termbases freely accessible in SDL Multiterm format to translators and other language users both locally and abroad.
The termbases available to date are the following:
- Neurology (Newroloġija), by Carl Paul Delmar (2012)
- Genetics (Ġenetika), by Reuben Degiorgio (2010)
- Macroeconomics (Makroekonomija), by Rita Cutajar (2019)
IAM Research Lab - Pursuing Inclusive Arts & Media
- IAM Research Lab, supported by UM Research Seed Funds.
- Principal Investigator & Project Lead, Dr Giselle Spiteri Miggiani
- The IAM Research Lab is dedicated to advancing Inclusive Arts and Media in Malta through a series of pioneering projects. Inspired by the vision of creating shareable, inclusive cultural heritage spaces and media experiences, these projects aim to transform accessibility and inclusivity in the arts and media landscape. The research lab seeks to enhance accessibility for blind and partially sighted individuals, as well as for the deaf and hard of hearing, in media, theatre, museums, and heritage sites. Additionally, it aims to make language content accessible to both Maltese and non-Maltese speakers. This is achieved through targeted localization and accessibility strategies, including inclusive subtitles, audio descriptions, and accessible filmmaking techniques.
- Regarding research output, IAM Research Lab focuses on developing research-based local guidelines for stakeholders and practitioners.
- Research Output: Inclusive Subtitles for all: Developing Practices and Guidelines for Accessible Media Content in Newly Experimenting Territories
- Proposed guidelines for inclusive subtitles in a Maltese context (EN) Dr Giselle Spiteri Miggiani
Available in Maltese and English, this research-based resource is intended as a tool for stakeholders, broadcasters and practitioners.
- Impact Case Studies: In collaboration with Heritage Malta and other private and government entities, Inclusive Audiodescriptive Guides for selected artworks and cultural spaces are developed with the involvement of postgraduate AVT students as part of their training.
- Postgraduate AVT students and alumni contribute to research data and findings by conducting local reception studies, ensuring a user-centred approach.
Traduċentru project: A database of Maltese translations
Dr Claudine Borg has been awarded funds from the University Reseach Fund for her Traduċentru projects, which sets out to create a much-needed central database of translations from and into Maltese. Although translation into Maltese is a centuries-old practice, there has not yet been a concentrated effort to document Maltese translations as extensively as possible. This long-term project seeks to fill this gap and aims to interrogate the data gathered from different perspectives.
Literary translation and process-oriented research
Various past and ongoing projects involving literary translation processes coordinated by Dr Claudine Borg, including:
- Literary translation as practice (e.g. literary translations and autoethnographic studies)
- Process-oriented studies in literary translation (e.g. collaborative literary translation, translator studies)
- CALT and literary translation (Dr Borg is a researcher in the international project Narrative Text, Translator and Machine coordinated by Prof. Kriistina Taivalkoski-Shilov at the University of Turku, Finland).