Studying with us

Master in Translation & Terminology Studies

If you are interested in world affairs and foreign cultures, love languages, reading, writing and travelling, and would like to choose a career path where multilingualism and multiculturalism are key factors, then you are an ideal candidate for our postgraduate programme in Translation and Terminology Studies.

In today’s highly globalized society, the translation industry is experiencing exponential growth. International businesses, organisations and institutions are constantly seeking experts in language, intercultural communication, localisation, and cultural mediation. Our department focuses on these areas to provide our students with the necessary skills to succeed in any field related to multilingualism.

We offer three main specialisation options, namely Audiovisual, Technical, and Literary Translation. However, we also train our students in Terminology, which is another professional field that has been growing in recent years. Our team includes well-published academics and experienced teachers who give great importance to mentorship, supervision, and individual attention, as well as to the delivery of updated, top-quality content and training. The multicultural setting of our classes makes them interesting and lively places where to learn, share and collaborate.

Our programme is open to local and foreign students, is taught in English, and provides training in a variety of language combinations. Students can choose to translate from English to Maltese, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Arabic, and Chinese. Translation from these languages into English or any other language on offer may also be considered. Language pairs are subject to the availability of language-specific trainers in a given academic year and are not always guaranteed.

Have a look at our course programme or visit our Facebook page and peep into our world. Feel free to contact us for further information.

Master in Interpreting Studies

Bridging the gap in intercultural communication is a highly sought-after skill in today’s globalised world. Interpreters are language specialists who travel the world, a fixed feature wherever negotiations are carried out and agreements are made. They are present where it matters most, in the most crucial of situations. Interpreting is a job for linguists who are interested in world affairs, have a strong cultural background and a high level of general knowledge, with a flair for verbal performance.

Our Master in Interpreting Studies is a practice-based programme focusing primarily on conference interpreting for the European Union. It prepares students for the interinstitutional accreditation test, which enables interpreters to work for the European Institutions.

Recent graduates have found work as freelance/staff interpreters and translators for the European institutions, but thanks to the transferable skills acquired during the course, graduates have also found employment in fields such as marketing, public relations, human resources, public administration and management. Everybody needs interpreting from time to time, so the skills related to the profession are highly valued in the marketplace.

Our trainers have extensive experience in the field and have been providing interpreting services for many years to European Union institutions. Our students also benefit from our collaboration with the European Union interpreting services, which organise virtual classes and mock conferences, and provide on-site and virtual training sessions.

Detailed course programme.

Please note that the A language (first language) in this programme is Maltese. An aptitute test will be held in early September to assess student's proficiency in Maltese and their additional languages (active B and, if applicable, passive C languages).

If you are interested or want further information on any of the above course programmes, feel free to get in touch or follow us on  Facebook or Instagram. We will be happy to help!