APACHE: ‘Aerodynamic, pedestrian level, Air Quality Control using Urban Vegetation Elements (ongoing).
MEGALITH: ‘Environmental Degradation of Malta’s Megalithic Temples’.
MEDSOLAR, Technology Development Programme, MCST.
Double C-Block Research Grant, R&I_2019_010T, funded through the MCST, TDP FUSION R&I Technology Development Programme.
HYPER ‘Hybrid Photovoltaics and Phase Change Material ventilated roofs’.
VARCITIES, Horizon 2020 (ongoing).
JustNature, Horizon 2020(ongoing)
LIFE Integrated Projects (LIFE IP) Programme entitled ‘Optimising the implementation of the 2nd RBMP in the Malta River Basin District’ (ongoing)
SEA_EU: ‘Blue Nights Project: Light Pollution in Coastal and Heritage sites’ (ongoing)