EOG Dataset

Eye movement EOG Data  

A number of EOG datasets are being made publicly available. Queries related to these datasets may be forwarded to nathaniel.barbara@um.edu.mt.


Dataset 1: Zero-Centred Horizontal and Vertical Bipolar EOG Data

Dataset Overview:

This dataset contains the horizontal and vertical bipolar EOG channel data recorded for trials each containing two saccades and a blink. In each trial, the subject was instructed to perform: (i) a saccade originating from the centre of the screen towards an indicated random position on the screen, (ii) a return saccade from the latter random position back towards the centre of the screen, and (iii) a blink. The data was recorded while the subjects rested their head on a chin-and-forehead rest. More information is available in the ‘Data Description’ file made available within the downloadable zip file.

The dataset may be accessed from this link:  DATASET    


If you are using this data, please cite the following research paper:

N. Barbara, T. A. Camilleri, and K. P. Camilleri, “A comparison of EOG baseline drift mitigation techniques, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 57, Mar. 2020doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2019.101738


Dataset 2: Monopolar EOG Data Recorded Under Stationary Head Pose Conditions

Dataset Overview:

This dataset contains the monopolar EOG channel data recorded for trials each containing two saccades and a blink. In each trial, the subject was instructed to perform: (i) a saccade towards an indicated random position on the screen, (ii) a second saccade towards a different indicated random position on the screen, and (iii) a blink. The data was recorded while the subjects rested their head on a chin-and-forehead rest. More information is available in the ‘Data Description’ file made available within the downloadable zip file.

The dataset may be accessed from this link: DATASET_STATIONARY


If you are using this data, please cite the following research paper:

N. Barbara, T. A. Camilleri, and K. P. Camilleri, “Real-Time Continuous EOG-based Gaze Angle Estimation with Baseline Drift Compensation Under Stationary Head Conditions,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, vol. 86, Sep. 2023. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2023.105282


Dataset 3: Monopolar EOG Data Recorded Under Non-Stationary Head Pose Conditions

Dataset Overview:

This dataset contains the head pose and position data and monopolar EOG channel data recorded for trials each containing two saccades and a blink. In each trial, the subject was instructed to perform: (i) a saccade towards an indicated random position on the screen, (ii) a second saccade towards a different indicated random position on the screen, and (iii) a blink. The subjects were allowed to perform any natural head movements as necessary while attending to the targets. More information is available in the ‘Data Description’ file made available within the downloadable zip file.

The dataset may be accessed from this link: Dataset_NonStationary.zip


If you are using this data, please cite the following research paper:

N. Barbara, T. A. Camilleri, and K. P. Camilleri, “Real-Time Continuous EOG-based Gaze Angle Estimation with Baseline Drift Compensation Under Non-Stationary Head Conditions,” Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2023.105868


