A. Gatt, C. Formosa, K. Cassar, K.P. Camilleri, C. De Raffaele, A. Mizzi, C. Azzopardi, S. Mizzi, O. Falzon, S. Cristina, N. Chockalingam, 'Thermographic Patterns of the Upper and Lower Limbs: Baseline Data,' International Journal of Vascular Medicine, vol. 2015, 9 pages, 2015.
N. Barbara and T. A. Camilleri, “Interfacing with a speller using EOG glasses,” in IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), pp. 1069–1074, IEEE, Oct. 2016.
N. Barbara, T. A. Camilleri, and K. P. Camilleri, “EOG-based ocular and gaze angle estimation using an extended Kalman filter,” in Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA), Association for Computing Machinery, June 2020.
A. Ciantar, O. Falzon, L. Sammut, M. Schembri, Y. Muscat Baron, J. Calleja-Agius, P. Demicoli and K.P. Camilleri, 'Registration of dynamic thermography data of the abdomen of pregnant and non-pregnant women.' In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 5668-5671. IEEE, 2018.
O. Falzon, A. Ciantar, L. Sammut, M. Schembri, Y. Muscat Baron, J. Calleja-Agius, P. Demicoli and K.P. Camilleri, 'Principal component analysis of dynamic thermography data from pregnant and non-pregnant women.' In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 5664-5667. IEEE, 2018.
L. Cutajar, O. Falzon, A. Mizzi, I. Swaine, K. Springett, S. Mizzi, 'A novel method to determine dynamic temperature trends applied to in-shoe temperature data during walking.' In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2018 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 3958-3961. IEEE, 2018.
N. Barbara, T.A. Camilleri and K.P. Camilleri, 'Comparative Performance Analysis of a Commercial Wearable EOG Glasses for an Asynchronous Virtual Keyboard', 2018 British Human Computer Interaction Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Jul. 2018.
O. Falzon, R. Zerafa, T. Camilleri and K.P. Camilleri, 'EEG-Based Biometry Using Steady State Visual Evoked Potentials', in Proc. of the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’17), Jeju, South Korea, Jul. 2017.
J. Gauci, O. Falzon, K.P. Camilleri, C. Formosa, A. Gatt, C. Ellul, S. Mizzi, A. Mizzi, K. Cassar, C. Sturegon, and N. Chockalingam, 'Automated Segmenation of Regions of Interest from Thermal Images of Hands', in Proc. of the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’17), Jeju, South Korea, Jul. 2017.
N. Gauci, O. Falzon, T. Camilleri and K.P. Camilleri, 'Phase-based SSVEPs for Real-Time Control of a Motorised Bed', in Proc. of the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’17), Jeju, South Korea, Jul. 2017.
A. Agius Anastasi, O. Falzon, K. Camilleri, M. Vella, R. Muscat, 'Quantitative Scoring and Neurophysiological Signal Indices for Poststroke Motor Function Assessment and Prognostication', 20th European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Estoril - Lisbon, Apr. 2016.
N. Gauci, O. Falzon, T. Camilleri, and K. Camilleri, 'An Analysis on the Effect of Phase on the Performance of SSVEP-based BCIs', in IFMBE Proceedings, XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016, vol. 57, pp. 134-139, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
R. Zerafa, T. Camilleri, O. Falzon, and K.P. Camilleri, 'A Real-Time SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface Music Player Application', in IFMBE Proceedings, XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2016, vol. 57, pp. 173-178, Springer International Publishing, 2016.
A. Casha, O. Falzon, J. Gauci, 'A preliminary Investigation into the use of Thermography during Cardiac Surgery', in Proc. of the 11th Malta Medical School Conference, Malta. Nov. 2015.
T.A. Camilleri, K.P. Camilleri, S.G. Fabri, 'Semi-supervised segmentation of EEG data in BCI systems', in Proc. of the 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC 2015, pp. 7845-7848, Milano, Italy, Aug. 2015.
O. Falzon, K.P. Camilleri, "Colour-based discrimination for SSVEP BCIs", presented at SfN Neuroscience 2013, San Diego, California, 2013.
C. Azzopardi, Y. Hicks, and K.P. Camilleri, 'Encoding Gastrointestinal Anatomical Topology using Locality Preserving Projections for Organ Classification in Capsule Endoscopy', in Proc. Engineering - The Backbone of Healthcare, 22nd Annual Conference of the Chamber of Engineers, 2013, pp. 21 - 27.
M. Muscat, Y. Muscat Baron, R. Muscat Baron, M. Brincat, K.P. Camilleri, C. Azzopardi, S. Cristina, O. Falzon, 'Thermographic studies of the pregnant uterus', presented at the 8th Malta Medical School Conference, Malta, 2012.
M. Muscat, Y. Muscat Baron, R. Muscat Baron, M. Brincat, K.P. Camilleri, C. Azzopardi, S. Cristina, O. Falzon, 'Comparison of thermographic imaging of the pregnant uterus with and without spontaneous rupture of membranes', presented at the 8th Malta Medical School Conference, Malta, 2012.
M. Muscat, Y. Muscat Baron, R. Muscat Baron, M. Brincat, K.P. Camilleri, C. Azzopardi, S. Cristina, O. Falzon, 'Standardization of the methodology in foetal thermography', presented at the 8th Malta Medical School Conference, Malta, 2012.
C. Azzopardi, J. Bigeni, K.P. Camilleri, S. Vella, Y. Muscat Baron, M.J. Cachia, 'The methodology for a three dimensional kinematic study of gait in charcot neuroarthropathy', presented at the 8th Malta Medical School Conference, Malta, 2012.
J. Bigeni, S. Vella, Y. Muscat Baron, C. Azzopardi, K.P. Camilleri, M.J. Cachia, 'Digital thermographic imaging: a novel monitoring approach in charcot neuroarthropahy with potential clinical usefulness', presented at the 8th Malta Medical School Conference, Malta, 2012.
O. Falzon, K.P. Camilleri, J. Muscat, 'Common Spatial Patterns Using Analytic Signals for EEG-Based BCI's', presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Neuroscience (SAN 2011), Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2011.
T. Cassar, K.P. Camilleri, S. Fabri, 'Switching Kalman filters for EEG data segmentation', presented at the 3rdmeeting of the Society of Applied Neuroscience (SAN 2011), Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2011.
O. Falzon, K. P. Camilleri, J. Muscat, 'Complex-valued spatial filters for task discrimination.' In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 4707-4710. IEEE, 2010.
I.N. Angulo-Sherman, A. Costa-Garcia, E. Monge-Pereira, R. Salazar-Varas and R. Zerafa, 'BCI Applied to Neurorehabilitation', in Emerging Therapies in Neurorehabilitation II, Ed. Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp.169-196.
S. Cristina, K.P. Camilleri. 'Identifying gaze gestures from noisy image-based eye movement data', in I see you, you see me: Inferring cognitive and emotional processes from gazing behaviour, P. Gamito and P. Rosa, Eds. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, ch.12, pp.232-257.