Centre for Environmental Education & Research

The Board

The Board

The Board is entrusted with the responsibility of directing the academic tasks of the Centre in a unitary manner and in consultation. It is also responsible for the determination of the studies, teaching and research within the Centre and to provide for the administration, publication and diffusion of the academic work of the Centre and the distribution of tasks within the said activities. The Board also makes bye-laws concerning the Centre in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, which are in turn referred to the Senate for its approval and finally to the Chancellor. The Board of the Centre is also duty-bound to prepare plans for the development of the Centre and to present those plans for approval by the Senate and the Council.


The Board is composed as follows:


Chair to the Board

Professor Carmen Sammut - Pro-Rector for Staff and Student Affairs and Outreach


Vice-Chair to the Board and Director of the Centre

Professor Mark Mifsud - Director



Dr Vincent Caruana

Dr Mark Scerri

Professor Alan Deidun

Professor Walter Leal 

Professor Paul Pace 

Professor Alessio Surian 


Secretary to the Board

Ms Marisa Papagiorcopulo
