SHAPE2GETHER (2023 – 2026)
The project aims to implement innovative approaches in education for sustainable development (ESD) in the context of climate change and its impacts on Europe by bringing together three groups of partner specialisations, i.e. geosciences, new technologies, and serious game design. The project also aims to shape a new curriculum in ESD, taking into account geosciences education, new technologies and gaming elements. This should lead to an application for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters programme. The project will investigate how these approaches can be used to enhance students' learning and engagement in topics related to climate change and sustainable development, ultimately leading to greater awareness, action, and impact.
The main motivation of the project is to develop a systematic educational framework assessing the current climate change situation by applying novel and state-of-the-art approaches leading to awareness-raising about environmental and climate change challenges. The project "Shape2Gether" builds on the previous three successful projects ( Spationomy 2.0 , EduChange 2.0 , and DigiGeo ) and the main objectives of the "Shape2Gether" project are: to contextualize geosciences (geoinformatics, geography, and development studies), new technologies (mobile-based and online tools, immersive virtual reality, and educational e-tools), and serious games (discursive game design and prototyping educational activities) with the climate change challenges.
By doing so, we strive to shape innovations into education for sustainable development tackling local-based environmental problems in order to equip all participants (students and staff) with competencies to make them real actors or agents of change to help raise the awareness and importance of local-based actions (active citizenship) in the fight against climate change. As a "concluding" objective - we plan to develop brand new and yet non-existing curricula encapsulating the abovementioned objectives into a pan-European study programme under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters scheme to maintain our learning/teaching framework in a longer-term run.