Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Advanced Financial Strategy

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Accountancy

DESCRIPTION This unit builds on the earlier unit ACC5960 by adopting a strategic approach to more complex decisions involving a combination of both investment and financing decisions, with the emphasis moving towards the strategic consequences of such decisions in an international context. The planning of strategic acquisitions and mergers, capital structuring, dividend policy and other emerging financial issues with particular application to a European small-state environment will also be included.

Study-unit Aims

The study unit is aimed to develop upon the financial applications and skills covered in ACC5960, familiarize students with more complex strategic management issues facing an organization including combined investment and financing decisions, and prepare them to cope with the demands in this field of expertise met by accountancy professionals even within an international context

Learning Outcomes

1. Knowledge & Understanding: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

a) define and describe the major capital structure theories
b) list the pros and cons of using acquisitions and mergers as a method of corporate expansion
c) outline the characteristics and limitations of financial management in a small-state perspective.

2. Skills: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- advise management and/or clients on major financial management decisions to be
- taken by various corporate entities. Such advice includes the setting of the financial
- goals of such entities and the development of strategies for the achievement of
- such goals in line with the agreed policy framework.

Particular areas of reference for such advice will include:

- advanced investment selection and capital resource allocation,
- the minimisation of an entity's cost of capital,
- the communication of financial policy and corporate goals to internal and external stakeholders,
- financial planning and control,
- the appraisal of financing alternatives, and
- the retention and dividend distribution policy
- the management of financial risk and setting of capital structures
- the financial management in a small-state perspective

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings

- Brigham E and Ehrhardt Financial Management –Theory and Practice 12th Ed, Thomson South Western , 2008
- Pike R and Neale B. Corporate Finance and Investment Decisions and Strategies. Ft Prentice Hal (latest edition)
- Demirag I and Goddard S Financial Management for International Business. McGraw Hill
- Glen Arnold Corporate Financial Management FT Prentice Hall 2008


ADDITIONAL NOTES Pre-requisite Qualifications: Bachelor of Commerce with Accountancy Stream

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Tutorial

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Presentation SEM1 No 20%
Examination (2 Hours) SEM1 Yes 80%

LECTURER/S Peter J. Baldacchino


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.