Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Advanced Aircraft and Systems

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Institute of Aerospace Technologies

DESCRIPTION This study-unit covers the theoretical knowledge related to aircraft structures and systems, as required for Commercial Pilot and Air Transport Pilot Licenses (approved by EASA or similar):

The Airframe:
Principles of loads and stresses; flutter and aeroelasticity; fatigue; corrosion; aerospace materials;
Construction and attachment methods; the fuselage, landing gear, doors, windshield and windows;
Flight control design, structural components, structural limitations.

Landing gear:
Types, components, warnings, emergency extension systems; nosewheel steering design and operation; brakes – types and materials; system components design operation indications and warnings; anti-skid systems; autobrake systems; wheels, rims and tyres – types structural components and materials, operational limitations, thermal plugs.

Hydraulic systems:
Basic principles and systems; hydraulic fluids – types, characteristics and limitations; system components – design operation, degraded modes of operations, indications and warnings.

Flight controls:
Primary and secondary types; manual and powered controls; system components, design, operation, indications and warnings; degraded modes of operation and jamming; Fly-by-wire control systems.

Pneumatic systems:
Types, system components, design and operation; degraded operation, indications and warnings; Bleed air supply and piston-engine air supply.

Pressurisation and air conditioning systems:
Types, system components, design and operation; degraded operation, indications and warnings.

Anti-icing and de-icing systems:
Types, design, operation and indications and warnings, operational limitations. Ice warning systems – types, operation and indications.

Fuel Systems:
Fuel types, characteristics and limitations; Fuel system design, operation, components and indications.

Electric systems:
DC and AC fundamentals; permanent magnets and electromagnetism; semiconductors and logic circuits; Circuit breakers; the effects of static electricity; batteries – types, characteristics and limitations; Electric motors – operating principles and components.

Power generation and distribution:
DC and AC generation; constant speed drives and integrated drive generator systems; distribution systems – concepts; AC and DC distribution; Electrical load management and monitoring systems: automatic generator san bus switching during normal and failure operations; indications and warnings.

Piston and Turbine engines:
Basic principles; Types, basic principles, major components and operation; Fuel pumps and fuel metering systems; Icing effects. Cooling systems – design, operations, indications and warnings; Lubrication systems - design, operation, indications and warnings; characteristics and limitations of lubricants; Ignition circuits – design and operation; Mixture control – characteristic mixtures, control and indicator systems; Engine performance and handling; Turbine engine inlet and exhaust design; foreign object damage; engine auxiliary gearbox; engine starting and reverse thrust; Engine operation and monitoring; starting malfunctions; re-light envelope.

The propeller:
Constant speed propeller design, operation and system components; warnings and indicators; Propeller handling; reduction gearing.

Auxiliary power unit:
Design, operation, functions and operational limitations.

Protection and detection systems:
Types, design, operation, indications and warnings. Smoke detection, fire detection and extinguishing (engine and cargo), rain protection systems; Oxygen systems.

Aircraft sensors and instruments:
Pressure, temperature, fuel, fuel flow, tacho, thrust, torque and air data measurement; navigation measurements and primary flight instruments; the air data computer; system errors and accuracy.

Automatic flight control systems:
Basic principles and control loops; autopilot design and operation; flight director design and operation; the flight mode annunciator; autoland design and operation.

Trim systems:
Design and operation; flight envelope protection; autothrust control systems.

Communication systems:
Basic principles of operation; system architecture, design and operation.

Future air navigation systems (FANS):
Basic concepts.

The Flight Management System:
Design, navigation database, aircraft database; operations and limitations; the human-machine interface.

Alerting systems:
Flight warning, stall warning and protection, overspeed warning, take-off warning, altitude alert systems, radio altimetry, TAWS (GPWS/EGPWS) design, operation and indication; ACAS (TCAS II) design, operation and indication; overspeed alerting.

Integrated instruments:
Electronic displays: design and limitations; the Primary Flight and Navigation displays. Engine indication, aircraft system and crew warning display systems. The Electronic Flight Bag; maintenance, monitoring and recording systems;
Cockpit voice recorders and flight data recorders.

Study-unit Aims:

The study-unit aims to cover the structure and design of modern advanced aircraft (such as jet transports) and their systems.
It aims to give a fundamental and operational understanding of the airframe and flight controls, as well as all the systems typically found on large aircraft.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Describe the design and construction of the airframe;
- Explain the principle of operation and performance of powerplants;
- Describe the principle of operation of aircraft systems;
- Explain the design, operation and performance of aircraft systems.

2. Skills
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able:

- To apply theoretical knowledge to operate an aircraft within its structural limitations;
- To apply theoretical knowledge in the operation and control of powerplants;
- To apply theoretical knowledge in the operation and control of different aircraft systems;
- To apply theoretical knowledge in the operation of radio and surveillance avionics systems;
- To apply theoretical knowledge in the operation of flight management systems.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main texts:
- EASA ATPL Training - Airframe & Systems, Jeppesen, ISBN: 978-0-88487-597-0.
- CAE Oxford Aviation Academy Volume 2 - Airframes & Systems, CAE Oxford Aviation Academy.
- EASA ATPL Training - Electrics, Jeppesen, ISBN: 978-0-88487-598-7.
- CAE Oxford Aviation Academy Volume 3 - Electrics & Electronics, CAE Oxford Aviation Academy.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Online Learning

Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment 20%
Examination (2 Hours) 80%



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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.