CODE | AET4903 |
TITLE | Values and Ethics (HUMN330) |
UM LEVEL | 04 - Years 4, 5 in Modular UG or PG Cert Course |
DEPARTMENT | Institute of Aerospace Technologies |
DESCRIPTION | This course focuses on the process of practical ethics as a way of resolving moral conflict and of understanding professional responsibility in a multi-culturally diverse society without devaluating specific viewpoints of ethical or metaphysical theory, ideology, or religion. Students will use proposals, values, judgements, observation statements, assumptions, and alternate-world assumptions in arguing contemporary issues of moral importance. With basic moral logic, students will resolve issues in contingencies; and in terms of habituated virtues and character. Free and unrestricted discourse will be encouraged so as to let students find common ground in diversity. Study-unit Aims: This course is designed to help students understand the basic vocabulary and the fundamental theories of ethics and to relate these theories to actual life situations; students will apply their understanding of ethics to their personal and professional lives and will articulate the relationship between attitudes, values, and moral conduct. Learning Outcomes: Upon course completion, students will be able to: 1. Recognize and write about the role and importance of ethics in personal, professional and social life; 2. Demonstrate in writing an understanding of the psychological, sociological, historical, and philosophical background of ethics; 3. Discuss the role of reason, happiness, personal responsibility, personal freedom, choice, and consequences in historical and contemporary ethical systems; 4. Explain the various arguments for and against the major historical and contemporary ethical systems; 5. Identify and apply ethical principles to contemporary ethical problems; 6. Engage in organized debate regarding the various solutions to contemporary ethical problems using differing ethical systems, for example, through participation in an Ethics Bowl; 7. Respond to contemporary ethical problems in the media by critically analyzing the problem applying various ethical systems to suggest a resolution to the issue; 8. Conduct research on a topic in ethics and generate a written analysis using a standard documentation system; for example, students might write an analysis of several major ethical systems in which key philosophical terms from each system are defined, major constructs of each system are explained, and each system is applied to a contemporary personal, professional, and/or sociological problem. Further information is available to students on the ERAU platform. Main Text/s and any supplementary readings: Required Course Materials Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues. Edition: 9th. Year: 2018. ISBN: 978-1305958678. Author: B. Mackinnon & A. Fiala. Publisher: Cengage Learning; Boston, MA. Suggested Course Materials Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Edition: 6th. Year: 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5 Author: American Psychological Association Publisher: American Psychological Association. Note: For further information, see the APA website. |
ADDITIONAL NOTES | Pre-requisite Study-unit: AET1905 |
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Online Learning |
The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |