Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Introduction to Urban Design Studies

UM LEVEL 02 - Years 2, 3 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Architecture and Urban Design

DESCRIPTION ‘Learning by doing’ is the fundamental objective ofthe first in a series of urban design modules that are further developed in subsequent years. This study-unit is based on the premise that an equal dose of design creativity and sensitivity, developed through critical site awareness and appraisal/analysis, is necessary for designinterventions to create high quality, sustainable, people-friendly, vital and viable environments. Urban design is today recognized as a discipline in its own right; legitimizing its placein between other established built environment professions and inter-relating with both architectural and planning disciplines. In this spirit, the study-unit examines the'urban design process' through a series of three linked site-specific and contextual design projects. Within these projects, students are encouraged to explore different elements of the urban fabric, urban form, physical development and design in a number of chosen critical urban areas, as a means to inform the development of conceptual designs that could lead to practical and visionary proposals of placemaking.

The study-unit’s central theme is ‘hands-on design’, as a powerful tool in solving complex urban problems in a creative manner. Three projects are envisaged: the first, Urban Design Creativity, tests the limits of creativity by not setting any boundaries, and by asking students to think outsidethe box rather than in a conventional manner; the second, Urban Healing, builds on the first project but introduces two variables – a degree of physical constraint and the sharing of ideas in small groups of 2 or 3 persons. This project requires students to generate ideas for a small urban space, with the understanding that small interventions may be enough to spark off a wider-encompassing urban regeneration process; the third, Urban Design Process, addresses a larger and more complex urban space and is worked in groups of 5 or 6. It provides a broad introduction to the main analytical processes and design techniques that are developed further in subsequent years. The project brings analysis and creativity together as a means to understand and propose creative placemaking solutions, within a clearly formulated strategy and vision. A number of select lectures and design tutorials accompany this design journey.


• To provide an opportunity to experience urban design practice through the completion of three interlinked projects.
• To develop core skills of:
(a) problem definition at different spatial scales;
(b) interpretation of salient site characteristics and visual cues;
(c) team work leading to problem-solving; and
(d) communication/presentation of both urban designprocess and solutions.

Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding:
By the end of this study-unit, a student will be able to:

• Build a sound understanding of urban design and its role within the built environment;
• Identify specific urban design issues on-site;
• Develop key skills of project presentation and team-working.

By the end of this study-unit, a student will have:

• The ability to develop a critical perspective;
• The ability to individually and collectively define and solve urban problems with different degrees of complexity;
• Graphic and verbal presentation skills.

Main and Supplementary Reading List

CARMONA, M., TIESDELL, S., HEATH, T. and OC, T., 2010, Public places – urban spaces, 2 edn. Architectural Press
JACOBS, A.B., 1995, Great Streets, MIT Press
MOUGHTIN, C., 2003, Urban design, 2 edn. Architectural Press
ROBERTS, M., 2001, Approaching urban design, Longman
TIBBALDS, F., 2001, Making people-friendly towns, E. & F. N. Spon

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lectures, Tutorials & Workshops

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Project SEM2 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Sarah Scheiber
Antoine Zammit


The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.