CODE | BIO2070 | ||||||||||||||||
TITLE | Biochemical Strategies of Life | ||||||||||||||||
UM LEVEL | 02 - Years 2, 3 in Modular Undergraduate Course | ||||||||||||||||
MQF LEVEL | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
ECTS CREDITS | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
DEPARTMENT | Biology | ||||||||||||||||
DESCRIPTION | The topics to be covered include: Basic concepts and design of metabolism Protein, DNA and carbohydrates structure and function Glycolysis Citric Acid Cycle Oxidative phosphorylation Pentose phosphate pathway Antibody structure - function; its role in survival. As far as it is feasible, the above topics will be treated from a comparative perspective, i.e. how different organisms adopt different or similar biochemical strategies to adapt to different environments and modes of life. Furthermore, a range of applied topics of biochemistry in our everyday life, will be discussed and developed as part of an assignment which would be presented in brief during the last lecture session. Some examples: Photoreceptors Chemotherapy Aging Cholesterol Insulin and diabetics Bioelectronic Computers Dopamine Biochemistry of cancer Effects of alcohol abuse. The study-unit includes an integrated programme of practical work (3 sessions of 3 hours each) covering the topics discussed in lectures. The aim is to provide students with an opportunity to become familiar with a range of standard laboratory techniques. Experiments will include: identification of amino acids; size exclusion chromatography of chloroplasts; and determination of vitamin contents in foodstuffs. Students will be required to write regular practical reports. Study-unit Aims: (a) To develop knowledge of biochemistry, including considerations of biochemistry in our everyday life; (b) To familiarise students with terminology and definitions used in biochemistry; (c) To learn various techniques and tools used, including their purpose, advantages and limitations, in the area of biochemistry. Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: a) Define and expand on the theoretical principles underlying biochemistry; b) Distinguish the areas of biochemistry and their respective research tools; c) Discuss current research trends and developing technologies applied to biochemistry; d) Discuss the use of different areas of biochemistry to understand developing biotechnology and environmental conditions. 2. Skills By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: a) Analyse data through case-studies, literature review and practical sessions; b) Communicate their findings both orally and in proper written format; c) Consolidate skills in literature review and critical consideration of both the theoretical and practical issues linked to the areas of biochemistry. Main Text/s and any supplementary readings: - Berg, J., Gatto, G. Jr., Hines, J., Tymoczko, J. L., & Stryer, L. (2023). Biochemistry (10th ed.). MacMillan Learning. - Mathews, C. K., Van Holde, K. E., & Appling, D. R. (2013). Biochemistry (4th ed.). Pearson. - Moran, L. A., Horton, H. R., Scrimgeour, K. G., & Perry, M. D. (2011). Principles of biochemistry (5th ed.). Prentice Hall. - Nelson, D. L. (2021). Lehninger principles of biochemistry (8th ed.). W.H. Freeman. - Pratt, C. W., & Cornely, K. (2014). Essential biochemistry (3rd ed.). J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. |
ADDITIONAL NOTES | Pre-Requisite: B.Sc. (Hons) 1st Year Study-Units or equivalent Students are to note that they will be allowed to sit for this study-unit examination and will be awarded a grade only if they have regularly attended lectures and practical classes, if they have submitted any assignments, including practical reports and if they satisfy all other study-unit requirements. Please note that a pass in the Practical component is obligatory for an overall pass mark to be awarded. |
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Lecture, Practical and Seminar | ||||||||||||||||
LECTURER/S | Ruth Guillaumier |
The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |