CODE | BLH3301 | ||||||||
TITLE | Philosophy of Conservation | ||||||||
UM LEVEL | 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course | ||||||||
MQF LEVEL | 6 | ||||||||
ECTS CREDITS | 4 | ||||||||
DEPARTMENT | Conservation and Built Heritage | ||||||||
DESCRIPTION | The study-unit introduces students to the philosophy of Conservation, in particular applied to the Built Heritage. The study-unit explores the different value judgements that are made in conservation, and the ethical issues that need to be respected. The concept of a monument, as it has changed in the 20th century, and how this reflects the development of society will be explored. The study of the philosophy informing conservation practice will help the planning of conservation/restoration interventions, to be carried out on a heritage asset, in full respect of the heritage and cultural value of the asset. Study-unit Aims: The aims of this study unit are to understand: - The different values involved in conservation; - The importance of ethics in conservation; - The anthropological issues in conservation - namely issues of sense of place, belonging and memory. Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: - Explain correctly the different values cultural heritage may present to different sectors of the same society; - Demonstrate knowledge of the ethical obligations a conservation project presents to the different players in the project; - Define the concept of a monument, how this has changed in the 20th century and how this reflects the development of society. 2. Skills: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: - Design the necessary conservation interventions to be carried out on cultural heritage without influencing negatively on the value of the said monument; - Plan the intervention according to the particular society in which the cultural heritage is found. Main Text/s and any supplementary readings: - Avrami, E., Mason, R. and De La Torre, M. (2000). Values and Heritage Conservation: Research Report. Los Angeles: The Getty Conservation Institute. Available at: - Bevan, R. (2006). The Destruction of Memory. Architecture at War. London: Reakton Books - Connerton, P. (1989). How Societies Remember. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press - Connerton, P. (2009). How Societies Forget. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press - Fairclough, G., Harrison, R. Jameson Jnr., J. and Schofield, J. eds. The Heritage Reader. London: Routledge - Graham, B. Ashworth, G.J., and Turnbridge, J.E. (2000). A Geography of Heritage: Power, Culture and Economy. London: Arnold - Lowenthal, D. (1985). The Past is a Foreign Country. New York: Cambridge University Press |
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Blended Learning | ||||||||
LECTURER/S | Shirley Cefai Reuben Grima |
The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |