Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Separation Techniques and Analytical Chemistry

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course





Section A: Separation Techniques

Principles and Introduction.

  - Introduction to partition chromatography, principles of solute movement, capacity factor, selectivity factor, band
    resolution, theoretical plate, rate theory of chromatography, adsorption processes, band broadening, some
    common chromatographic techniques.
  - Solvent extraction: partition coefficient, distribution ratio D, pH dependence of D, extraction efficiency, multiple
    extractions, solvent extraction equilibria, selective extraction of metal ions, some practical extraction techniques,
    solid phase extractions.

Gas chromatography.

  - Basic set-up, packed columns, capillary columns, column characteristics, support material, the liquid phase,
    temperature effects and programming, injection systems, universal detectors, modem detectors, column
    efficiency and conditions, qualitative and quantitative analysis, trouble shooting,

Liquid chromatography.

  - Classification of liquid chromatography (LC), bonded-phase partition LC, LC columns and support packings, the
    mobile phase, HPLC universal detectors, modern HPLC detectors, HPIC, column efficiency and conditions,
    qualitative and quantitative analysis, trouble shooting.

Ion-exchange separations.

  - Cation and anion exchange resins, resin characteristics, applications of ion-exchange chromatography.

Section B: Analytical Chemistry

Chromatographic/spectrophotometric hyphenated techniques.

  - GC-MS: direct coupling interface, sample ionization: electron impact, chemical ionization, quadrupole and ion trap
    analysers, total ion chromatograms, selected ion monitoring, GC-FTIR: flow cell interface, cold trapping interface,
    data handling and processes, LC-MS: direct introduction, thermospray and particle beam introduction,
    atmospheric pressure ionization. LC-FTIR: flow cell interface, solvent elimination.

Fourier Transform Spectroscopy.

  - Fourier transformation, Michaelson interferometer, FTIR.

Performance tests.

  - Confidence limit and interval, tests of significance, comparing two sets of data, comparing a set of data with a
    true value, comparing several sets of data.

Measurement uncertainty, traceability, validation.

  - Measurement equation, cause and effect diagram, combined uncertainties, control charts, calibration, use of
    reference materials, SI units in chemical metrology, method and instrument validation.

Recommended Texts:

  - Analytical Chemistry - Approved Text to the Federation of European Chemical Society Curriculum, Ed. Robert
    Keilner Pubi: Wiley-VCH (1998)
  - Christian Gary D., Analytical Chemistry, 5th Edn., Wiley. (1994).
  - Quality in the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory. Co-ordinating Author: Elizabeth Prichard. Publ: John Wiley (1997)

Supplementary Reading:

  - Skoog Douglas A. and West Donald M., Analytical Chemistry 6th Edn


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Progress Test SEM1 No 15%
Examination (2 Hours) SEM1 Yes 85%

LECTURER/S Noel Aquilina


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.