Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Online Consumer & Organisational Buying Behaviour

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Corporate Communication

DESCRIPTION A distinction is often drawn in marketing between Business-to-Customer (B2C) and Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketing. The latter is also known as Industrial or Organization Buying Behaviour and looks at the decision making process by which organizations establish the need for products and services and how they go about considering the alternative available in the market. Increasingly these choices for both consumers and businesses are happening online and require understanding for more effective marketing.

Study-Unit Aims:

This study-unit seeks to provide an understanding of the nature and structure of consumer and industrial markets from a robust theoretical perspective and how the online context impacts behaviour.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Define the concepts and analytical frameworks that are useful for both online and offline CB and OBB
- Examine consumers' goals and fears to find psychological, emotional, logical and sociological explanations of behavior.
- Develop appropriate marketing activities to bridge the connection between online and offline consumer behavior.
- Develop effective communication strategies by differentiating CB and OBB activities

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Think strategically across the CB and OBB area.
- Use theoretical understanding to formulate effective business communication activities.
- Develop critical analysis and problem-solving abilities of CB and OBB in an online context.
- Identify processes and trends in online consumer behavior and influence that behavior.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Anderson, J. C., Narus James A. N., and Narayandas D., Business Market Management: Understanding, Creating, and Delivering Value.
Latest Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, N.J. ISBN 0132089963.
- Ford, D., Gadde, L., Håkansson, H., Lundgren, A., Turnbull, P,
Wilson, D., and Snehota, I. Managing Business Relationships. Latest Edition, John Wiley and Sons Ltd. ISBN: 0470851252.

Supplementary Readings:

-Anderson, J.C, Håkansson, H., & Johanson, J. (1994). Dyadic business relationships within a business network context. Journal of Marketing, 58 (4), 1-15.
-Anderson J.C., Narus J.A. & van Rossum W. (2006). Customer value propositions in business markets. Harvard Business Review. 84 (March): 91-99
-Cannon J.P. & Perrault W.D. (1999) Buyer-Seller relationships in business markets. Journal of Marketing Research. 36 (Nov), 439-460
-Hallen, L, Johanson, J., & Sayed-Mohamed, N. (1991), Interfirm adaptation in business relationships. Journal of Marketing, 55(2), 29-37.
-Håkansson, H., & Ford, D. (2002). How should companies interact in business networks? Journal of Business Research, 55(2), 133-139.
-Johanson, J., & Vahlne, J. (2011). Markets as networks: implications for strategy making. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 39(4), 484-491.
-La Rocca, A., Caruana, A. & Snehota, I. (2012). Measuring customer attractiveness. Industrial Marketing Management, 41, 1241-1248.
-Levitt, T. (1983). After the Sale Is Over ... Harvard Business Review. 61(5) Sept/Oct. 87-93.
-Palmatier R.W. (2008) Interfirm relational drivers of customer value. Journal of Marketing, 72 (July), 77-91.
-Ramani, G., & Kumar V. (2008). Interaction orientation and firm performance. Journal of Marketing, 72(1), 27-45.
-Tuli, K.R., Kohli, A.K., & Bharadwaj, S.G. (2007). Rethinking customer solutions: from product bundles to relational processes. Journal of Marketing, 71(3), 1-17.
-Ulaga W. & Eggert A. (2006), Value-Based differentiation in business relationships: Gaining and sustaining key supplier status. Journal of Marketing, (70) (January), 119-136.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture, Seminar & Independent Study

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM1 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Joseph Vella


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