Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Building a Maltese Disabled People’s History

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Disability Studies

DESCRIPTION Traditionally, Maltese disabled people have been a voiceless and invisible social minority. Principally this has been due to stereo-typing by a society which views disabled people only through their biological deficits and does not take into account their ability to adapt to different circumstances and situations. In the majority of instances this has led to significant over-protection, low expectations and deep social and cultural deficits.

This study-unit seeks to interrogate the root causes of Maltese disabled people's lack of self-esteem and involvement in mainstream social activities and their historical low involvement in disability issues at national and international levels.

The study-unit will seek to interrogate the history of disabled people shedding a light on the centuries of fear, mistrust, misunderstanding and discrimination which disabled people have had to confront over the centuries. It will focus on the development of major models of disability. Thus, the study-unit will introduce participants to the social model of disability, providing a detailed history of the discrimination which disabled people have had to confront over the ages. The study-unit will focus principally and in great detail on the development of disability issues and a disabled people's history in the Maltese islands. It will look into the different attempts made by individuals, the voluntary sector, religious groups and the state to redress and minimise discrimination and to bring about an improvement in the lives of disabled Maltese people. In this way it will encourage students to take a critical view of the situation of disabled people in Malta, locating it within the context of a historical continuum.

Study-Unit Aims:

- To introduce students to some of the root causes of disability discrimination over the centuries;
- To provide an introductory overview of the development of an international disabled people's movement;
- To outline the social, cultural and religious factors that came into play in the creation of disability stereotypes and prejudices;
- To provide a detailed introduction and critical analysis of the historical development of the voluntary disability sector in Malta;
- To challenge students to confront the situation of disabled people in Malta.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Explain the major causes of stereo-typing, stigma and discrimination;
- Identify disabling barriers as a social construct and identify the root causes of disablement;
- Identify the major models of disability;
- Identify the major influences on the creation of a disabled people's movement;
- Explain the development and role of various institutions and organisations in the development of Maltese disabled people's history.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Communicate clearly and critically their direct or indirect personal experiences of disability;
- Provide a lucid overview of Maltese disabled people's shared history;
- Provide a coherent and interesting presentation about disabled people's history;
- Describe disabled people's historical struggle against discrimination by relating the local historical context to international developments;
- Use their knowledge to propose effective changes to ameliorate the present situation of disabled people in the Maltese islands.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Camilleri, J.M (1998): ‘Disability: a personal odyssey’. Disability & Society, Vol. 14, No. 6, 1999, pp. 845-853.
- Camilleri, Joseph M. & Callus, Anne-Marie (2001): ‘Out of the Cellars - Disability, Politics and the Struggle for Change: The Maltese Experience’. In Barton, Len (2001): Disability, Politics and the Struggle for Change. David Fulton Publishers. London. UK. Chapter 7. Pp: 79 - 92. (available at the KNPD Wenzu Dalli Resource Centre).
- KNPD (2007): Rights, Not Charity: Guidelines towards an inclusive society and a positive difference in the lives of Maltese and Gozitan disabled people. URL:
- KNPD (2012): Mizuri Favur il-Persuni b'Dizabilita' (Edukazzjoni, Xoghol, Trasport u Accessibilita', Legislazzjoni, Djar. URL:
- Oliver, M (1999): Disabled people and the inclusive society: or the times they really are changing. Public lecture on behalf of Strathclyde Centre for disability research and Glasgow City Council, 27th April, 1999. Internet publication URL:

Supplementary Readings:

- Borg, C & Camilleri, J.M. (2009): "Daisy Petal Picking: Maltese media’s love-hate relationship with vulnerable people" in Borg, J., Hillman, A., & Lauri, M.A. (2009): Exploring the Maltese Media Landscape. Allied Publications. Malta. (Chapter 9).

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Ind Study, Ind Online Learning, Lecture & Seminar

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Presentation SEM1 Yes 30%
Logbook SEM1 Yes 70%

LECTURER/S Solange Ignatia Bonello


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.