Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Disability Issues and Pastoral Ministry

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Disability Studies

DESCRIPTION The study-unit will be split into three parts. In the first part, lectures will focus on the history of the Catholic Church’s work in favour of disabled people, the application of the social model of disability in this work and the safeguarding of the rights of disabled people in this work. The second part will deal with the experiences and perspectives of persons with different disabilities in the life of the Church, focusing on examples of inclusion and exclusion. The third part of the study-unit will amalgamate the two previous parts together by guiding students in discussions about how one can ensure inclusion for disabled people in pastoral work through the framework of the Church’s teaching.


The aims of this study-unit are:
1) to present the history of the Catholic Church’s work with disabled people, and the move from charity and welfare to rights and the social model;
2) to familiarise students with the different experiences of that disabled people of inclusion and exclusion within the Church and the main issues of concern of people with different impairments;
3) to provide students with practical guidelines about the appropriate way to address disability inclusion in pastoral work within the Church.

Learning Outcomes:

Knowledge and Understanding
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

a) outline the history of the Catholic Church’s work with disabled people, the social model of disability, and the move from a focus on charity and welfare to a focus on rights and independence;
b) identify the issues that are of concern to disabled people with different impairments in creating an inclusive Church;
c) explain how the principles of the social model of disability and of the human rights approach to disability can be applied to inclusive pastoral ministry with disabled people within the Church.

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

a) demonstrate the difference between different models of disability, especially between the focus on welfare and charity and the focus on rights and societal change in the history of the Church’s work;
b) appraise the adjustments needed for persons with different impairments to create an inclusive Church;
c) critically reflect on examples of pastoral ministry with disabled people within the Church.

Reading List:

Main Texts
- Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta. 2006. Lejn Knisja dejjem aktar inklużiva: is-sehem tal-persuni b’diżabilità fil-ħajja u l-ħidma tal-Knisja. Floriana, Malta: Arċidjoċesi ta’ Malta
- Gaventa, W.C., 2018. Disability and Spirituality: Recovering Wholeness (Studies in Religion, Theology, and Disability). Baylor University Press.-Stiker, H.J., 1999. A history of disability. Translated from French by W. Sayers. University of Michigan Press.

Supplementary Texts
- Nkomazana, F. (2019). The Ministry of the Church to People with Disability. International Review of Mission, 108: 65-77.
- Raffety, E. (2020). From Inclusion to Leadership: Disabled “Misfitting” in Congregational Ministry. Theology Today, 77(2), 198-209.
- Reinders, H. (2008). Receiving the Gift of Friendship: Profound disability, theological anthropology and ethics Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co
- Richardson E. (2019). Pastoral care and intellectual disability: A person-centered approach. Anglican Theological Review. 101(4):758-759.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Case Study (Take Home) SEM1 Yes 100%



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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.