CODE | DNS2100 | ||||||||||||||||
TITLE | Removable Prosthodontics 1 | ||||||||||||||||
UM LEVEL | 02 - Years 2, 3 in Modular Undergraduate Course | ||||||||||||||||
MQF LEVEL | 5 | ||||||||||||||||
ECTS CREDITS | 8 | ||||||||||||||||
DEPARTMENT | Oral Rehabilitation and Community Care | ||||||||||||||||
DESCRIPTION | This study-unit introduces students to the theoretical and clinical challenges of complete denture prosthodontics. This one year study-unit explores the principles of complete denture fabrication, and how to apply them clinically. Topics include: anatomy of the edentulous ridges, assessment of the edentulous patient, impression techniques, jaw registration records, tooth selection and setting up, development of occlusal schemes for complete dentures, trial, provision and maintenance of complete dentures. It also includes laboratory-based sessions aimed at providing students the necessary skills before embarking on patient treatment in clinics. Study-unit Aims: The aim of this study-unit is to provide the student with an in-depth knowledge of complete denture prosthodontics, in order to appreciate and understand the challenges in providing and maintaining complete dentures. Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: • Choose the best practice approach to communicate and collaborate with the patient and dental technologist. • Explain the sequencing of all the clinical steps involved in fabricating and maintaining complete dentures. • Explain the impact of advanced ridge resorption and ageing on fabrication of complete dentures. • Discuss impression procedures for complete dentures. • Discuss jaw relation record procedures for complete dentures. • Discuss tooth selection procedures and tooth set up for complete dentures. • Discuss different occlusal schemes for complete dentures. • Comprehend the importance of trial dentures prior to completion of complete dentures. • Discuss the provision and maintenance of complete dentures. 2. Skills: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: • Collect medical and clinical data. • Identify the challenges in providing complete dentures. • Interpret correctly patient clinical charts and presenting complaints in clinical practice. • Communicate with the patient and dental technologist the most appropriate clinical treatment. • Organise the sequencing of all the clinical steps involved in fabricating and maintaining complete dentures. • Apply different impressions techniques used in fabrication of complete dentures. • Apply different jaw relation record procedures for complete dentures. • Select teeth that are appropriate for the patient's needs. • Administer different occlusal schemes for complete dentures and setting up denture teeth. • Organise the clinical steps of denture trials • Provide and maintain complete dentures. Main Text/s and any supplementary readings: Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients- Complete Dentures and Implant-Supported Prostheses. Editors: Zarb, Hobkirk, Eckert and Jacob; 13th Edition. ISBN 978-0-323-07844-3 |
ADDITIONAL NOTES | A pass in this study-unit is required before registering for ORC3108 and ORC3100. Attendance to scheduled sessions, inclusive of lectures/tutorials, practical, laboratory and clinical components is compulsory. Students who do not attend at least 90% of the scheduled sessions will not be allowed to sit for any of the assessment components mentioned below. In order for students to be awarded an overall pass in the study-unit, they need to satisfy the following conditions: • obtain a mark of at least 45% in the Written Examination; and • obtain an overall pass in the Practical Components. |
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Lecture, Independent Study & Practicum | ||||||||||||||||
LECTURER/S | Nikolai Attard David Paul Mifsud Mario Joseph Zarb |
The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |