CODE | DNS3112 | ||||||||||||
TITLE | Biostatistics and Health Informatics | ||||||||||||
UM LEVEL | 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course | ||||||||||||
MQF LEVEL | 6 | ||||||||||||
ECTS CREDITS | 6 | ||||||||||||
DEPARTMENT | Oral Rehabilitation and Community Care | ||||||||||||
DESCRIPTION | This study unit will provide students with the principles of Statistics as applied to Health Sciences. The unit also introduces the basic principles of Health Informatics including electronic patient record systems, local and international sources and databases of epidemiology and health care services. Study-unit Aims The aims of this study unit is to: - familiarise the student with the basic principles of statistics in order to be able to read a scientific paper - allow them to do their own basic statistical analysis. - familiarise students with electronic patient records. - make the students aware of sources of data available both local and internationally. Learning Outcomes 1. Knowledge & Understanding: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: 1. Discuss the statistical concepts behind a basic study design 2. Describe the availability of both local and international databases 3. Discuss electronic patient records 2. Skills: By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: 1. Perform simple statistical analysis on a data set 2. Identify data sources 3. Access electronic patient records Main Text/s and any supplementary readings Statistics without tears: An Introduction for Non-Mathematicians Derek Rowntree Penguin Science ISBN-10: 0205395090 (available in library) Medical Statistics made easy Michael Harris and Gordon Taylor ISBN-13: 9781904842552 (available in library) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES | Attendance to scheduled sessions, inclusive of lectures/tutorials, practical, laboratory and clinical components is compulsory. Students who do not attend at least 90% of the scheduled sessions will not be allowed to sit for any of the assessment components mentioned below. | ||||||||||||
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Independent Study, Lectures, Practicum & Project | ||||||||||||
LECTURER/S | Arthur Nogueira Rodriguez |
The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |