Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Basic Skills in Economics for Land Use

UM LEVEL 00 - Mod Pre-Tert, Foundation, Proficiency & DegreePlus




DESCRIPTION This study-unit aims to provide a basic understanding of the main topics in economics. The special focus will be on land management. The lecture topics are listed below:

Part 1: Microeconomics
- The Common Economic Problem of Scarcity;
- Demand / Supply and Market Equilibrium;
- Elasticities;
- Theory of Demand - Consumer Behaviour;
- Theory of Supply – Cost Curves.

Part 2: Macroeconomics
- The Circular Flow of Income and Measuring National Income;
- Economic Growth;
- Unemployment;
- Inflation;
- Government and Fiscal Policy.

Study-Unit Aims:

The study-unit aims to introduce student to the fundamental principles of economics through a micro and micro economic perspective. It will integrate these principles within the main economic concepts and tools for analysis. At the end of the study-unit students will be able to assess or examine real life concerns related to land management from the point of view of economics.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- define basic economic principles;
- apply knowledge of systems as used by economists;
- apply knowledge to evaluate real life economic situations focusing on land management;
- explain the impact of economic issues on the economy as a whole as well as how this has an effect on issues which are more micro in nature: like land use.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- analyze the behavior of economic agents with a special focus on land use;
- evaluate the macro economic environment and the role of governments and related economic agencies to deal with issues related to the use of land.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Sloman, J., Garratt, D., Guest, J. (2019) Economics, 10th edition. Pearson.

Gnedenko, E. (2020) Land Economics and Policy. Boston University Press. Available online:

Harrison, A.J. (2019) Economics and Land Use Planning. Routledge.

A number of journal papers will be shared with the students during the course of the lectures.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Independent Study

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM2 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Philip Von Brockdorff


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.