Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Linguistique théorique 4: énonciation et discours/ Theory in linguistics 4: Utterance and Discourse Analysis

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course




DESCRIPTION Cette étude distingue les termes de « énoncé » et « énonciation. » La théorie de l’énonciation est traitée en détail. On s’intéressera donc à l’acte, à la manière d’énoncer mais aussi à la situation (temps, lieu…) où l’énonciation se réalise, et au locuteur / énonciateur qui est à son origine. Les différents types d’embrayeurs (subjectifs, temporels, spatiaux) seront considérés L’unité porte également sur différents adverbes d’énonciation, dont la valeur sera observée. Une étude de la polyphonie permettra de distinguer les statuts de locuteur et d’énonciateur.

L’unité définira l’orientation de l’analyse du discours, en considérant les différents moyens de donner du sens aux dires. Elle montrera comment l’analyse du discours s’intéresse aux dires et au contexte du dire, c’est-à-dire aux différentes situations de communication et à leurs enjeux respectifs selon la place occupée par le ou les sujets.

En troisième lieu, la théorie des interactions verbales sera traitée en détail, à travers la description des traits caractéristiques qui déterminent les différentes interactions, de la typologie des interactions, des schémas d’alternance de la parole, de la structure des interactions et de l’effet du site et du cadre participatif sur le contenu des interactions.

This study-unit distinguishes between the terms « utterance » and « utterance production ». The French orientation of the theory of utterance production is dealt with in detail. The unit focuses on the act and the manner of producing utterances and on the effect of the situation (time and place) in which the utterance is produced, as well as the of the speaker who produces it. Different types of shifters are considered, with their power to change word meaning according to the situation (as by deixis). The role of particular adverbs in utterance production is covered, and a study of polyphony will allow students to understand in depth the different roles of the ‘speaker’.

The study-unit defines the Discourse Analysis perspective, through a consideration of the different ways in which utterances acquire meaning. It shows in which ways Discourse Analysis is interested in the statement of utterances and in the context of this action, according to the communicative situation and the position of the different participants.

A third component corresponds to the theory of Spoken Interaction. It covers a description of the characteristic features of Interactions (formality, cooperation, symmetry, etc), the typology of Interactions, turn-taking patterns, Interaction structure and the impact of the participation framework (Goffman) and context on Interactions.

Study-Unit Aims:

The study-unit aims to bring awareness to students of the strong French linguistic school that studies utterances and utterance production in the context where it takes place. Its objectives are to engage students in studying about modalisation and shifters as they appreciate the effect of the communicative context and the speaker’s intentions and position vis-a-vis his speech.

The study-unit also aims to bring students to distinguish between discourse and story, and to differentiate direct, indirect and free speech. Another of the unit’s objectives is to deal with the notion of polyphony, and of thematic progression in texts. The study-unit also tackles words capable of imparting argumentative orientation. It finally aims to give students a good understanding of the theory of spoken interaction and to train them to carry out spoken interaction analysis.

Learning Outcomes:

- The student will be able to describe the theory of utterance production with its French slant;
- The student will be able to consider cross-cultural differences of expression when communicating in French;
- The student will be able to avoid misunderstandings or communicative failure because of cross-cultural differences in utterance production behaviour;
- The student will be able to expand on the effect of context (place, time, participants) on discourse, as well as on notions such as shifters, polyphony, etc.;
- The student will be able to interpret the semantic value of particular adverbs which give specific nuances to utterances;
- Following a number of exercises worked out as a group, the student will be able to apply the theory of spoken interaction to interpret unseen excerpts of corpora.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Austin, J.L. (1962) How to do things with words. Harvard & Oxford University Press, traduction française: Quand dire, c’est faire. Seuil, 1970.
- Grinschpoun, M.-F., L’analyse de discours ; Donner du sens aux dires, 3e édition, Enrick B. Editions, 2016.
- Kerbrat- Orecchioni, C., L’énonciation, 4e édition, Armand Colin, 2014.
- Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C. Les Interactions Verbales, Tomes 1 & 3, 2e éd., 1996.
- Maingueneau, D., L’Enonciation en linguistique française. Hachette, 2e éd., 1994.
- Reboul A., Moeschler, J., Pragmatique du discours : De l’interprétation de l’énoncé à l’interprétation du discours, Armand Colin, 1998.
- Sarfati, G.-E., Eléments d’analyse du discours, 2e edition, Armand Colin, 2014.

ADDITIONAL NOTES Pre-requisite Qualification: Grade C or better at Matsec Advanced Level (or B2 level)


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Written Exercises SEM2 Yes 30%
Examination (2 Hours) SEM2 Yes 70%

LECTURER/S Anne Marie Bezzina Busuttil


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.