Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE An introduction to ocean governance and policy-making

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Geosciences

DESCRIPTION The exploitation of marine living and non-living resources is currently heavily regulated through a complex legal framework which needs to be unraveled and simplified for the marine manager. This is a primary goal of this study-unit. Consequently, the emerging field of marine environmental management is tackled upon three major thematic fields – the classification of human activities and industries related to the sea, their economic contribution and the applicable legal framework governing such activities.

Students will be exposed to the various marine quality monitoring obligations that have been placed on EU Member States in recent years by virtue of the ratification of marine-related Directives such as the WFD and the MSFD – these obligations will be summarise, in terms of parameter type, spatial area and monitoring frequency to be covered, and to identify the parameters for which most scientific data gaps exist.

In recent years, the European Union has taken the lead in promoting the sustainable advancement of the marine-based economy, through a long process which has culminated in the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) and more recently through the European Green Deal and the Mission Starfish Implementation Plan. Students will be introduced to the relevant ocean governance framework operating at the global, regional and local level, as well as to the IMP process.

The contribution to ocean governance made by entities such as the International Ocean Commission (IOC), the United Nations Environmental Programme and the International Union for Conservation (IUCN) is explained, whilst case studies of global marine-related programmes, such as the Globallast Initiative by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and others, will be delivered as examples of international collaboration.

Given the broad range of global and regional issues that need to be addressed, the ultimate outcome of the study-unit is to create awareness on the complexities of contemporary ocean governance, and the realisation of means and methods based on a number of technological advances, especially those deriving from operational oceanography, to render such governance achievable and effective.

In particular the study-unit will deal with:

- introduction to the global ocean governance framework;
- maritime zones as defined within the UNCLOS;
- the 'omics' revolution, seabed mining and the Nagoya Protocol (ABS);
- an overview of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and of the Water Framework Directive (WFD);
- introduction to the concept of Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs), Regional Sea Conventions (RSCs), Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs - e.g. GFCM, ICCAT);
- science-policy interfaces;
- an overview of the UN''s Regular Process, the European Green Deal and of the EU Commission's Mission Starfish Implementation Plan.

Study-Unit Aims:

This Study-Unit aims to:
(i) acquaint students with the comprehensive existing ocean governance legal framework, operating both at a global (e.g. UNCLOS), regional (e.g. Barcelona Convention) and local (e.g. Fisheries Management Zone) level, and with the onerous monitoring obligations and related infrastructural and organizational demands this places on contracting parties;
(ii) introduce students to the field of marine environmental management by illustrating in practical ways as to how man’s exploitation of marine resources is regulated by the various relevant legal frameworks;
(iii) make students appreciate the EU’s global leadership in promoting the advancement of a marine-based economy through the Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) and to assess the economic importance of Mediterranean marine ecosystems and various types of human marine industries;
(iv) Introduce students to the technological advances aimed at bridging the scientific data gaps which are preventing compliance with Directive-imposed monitoring benchmarks by making the operational approach to marine data acquisition possible and to;
(v) instill an element of appreciation within oceanography/science students of the relevance and ductility of policy-making in order to further the achievement of science-based management of natural resources.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- critically appraise the operational monitoring obligations imposed on a contracting party by selected marine-related Directives and Agreements, in terms of monitoring thresholds, time frames, spatial areas covered, target parameters, etc;
- list any gaps in marine scientific data precluding full compliance with the prevailing ocean legal framework;
- report on the different ocean governance frameworks applicable within the wider Maltese marine area;
- describe the contribution that applied oceanography, through the latest technological advances, can make to meeting Directive-imposed obligations.

2. Skills:
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of selected marine protocols and technologies in ensuring compliance with mandatory monitoring obligations;
- demonstrate competency in identifying which relevant legal instrument regulates a range of human activities at sea;
- propose appropriate solutions to improve on existing shortcomings in marine protocols and technologies.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- International Ocean Institute-Canada, Dirk Werle, Paul R. Boudreau, Mary R. Brooks, Michael J.A. Butler, Anthony Charles, Scott Coffen-Smout, David Griffiths, Ian McAllister, Moira L. McConnell, Ian Porter, Susan J. Rolston, and Peter G. Wells (eds) (2018). The future of ocean governance and capacity development: essays in honour of Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918–2002). Leiden; Boston: Brill Nijhoff: 590pp. Available freely online through:
- Freestone David, Barnes Richard and Ong David (eds), The Law of the Sea: Progress and Prospects (OUP, Oxford, 2006).
- Borg, Simone (2012) Conservation on the High Seas: Harmonizing International Regimes for the Sustainable Use of Living Resources. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd: 336p.
- FAO guidance on the formulation of policy briefs – available freely online through:

Supplementary Readings:

- Youshifumi Tanaka (2008) A Dual Approach to Ocean Governance: The Cases of Zonal and Integrated Management in International Law of the Sea. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd: 288 pages.
- Conservation on the High Seas: Harmonizing International Regimes for the Sustainable Use of Living Resources. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd: 336p.
- Michael Roe, 2013. Maritime Governance and Policy-Making Springer: 448 pages.
- Chang, Yen-Chiang (2012) Ocean Governance - A Way Forward. Series: Springer Briefs in Geography. IX, 125 p. 1 illus.
- Anastasia Strate, Maria Gavouneli, Nikolaos Skourtos. 2006. Unresolved Issues and New Challenges to the Law of the Sea: Time Before and Time After. Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: 351 pages.
- Marcus G. Haward, Joanna Vince 2008. Oceans Governance in the Twenty-First Century: Managing the Blue Planet. Edward Elgar Publishing: 240 pages.
- Blue Plan - The Economic Value of Sustainable Benefits Rendered by the Mediterranean marine ecosystems (Blue Plan Papers 8): 82 pp. Available online:

ADDITIONAL NOTES Pre-Requisite qualifications: Preferably a first degree which includes any two in combination of the following subjects: mathematics, physics (including computational physics), IT, and statistics as well as to applicants with an engineering degree. Students with a degree in just one of these subjects, in conjunction with biology, chemistry and geography will also be considered if the maximum course uptake numbers are not reached. Mature students and professionals with experience and already engaged on related jobs will be eligible for admission.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Independent Study, Lecture, Seminar & Visit

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM2 Yes 50%
Examination (1 Hour and 30 Minutes) SEM2 Yes 50%



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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.