Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Senior Citizens in Society

UM LEVEL 03 - Years 2, 3, 4 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Health, Physical Education and Consumer Studies

DESCRIPTION This study-unit discusses the problems of defining the elderly population and their expectations of life prior to and following retirement. It gives an overview of the demographic changes envisaged and the implications for the State services, current and potential private services, pensions, the economy and individuals, and also studies international proposals and possible solutions adopted or being proposed by the State. It encourages possible proactive measures by the senior citizens themselves so as to ensure financial stability in old age. This study-unit also outlines the most common conditions and diseases amongst the Maltese seniors and it explores possible ways of preventing or retarding the onset of such conditions and of preserving good health and independent living for as long as possible. It looks at the State, community and voluntary services and support systems available and the latest published reports and plans for upgrading these services so as to ensure the maintenance of independence, good health and well-being of its senior citizens. It seeks to promote opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.

Study-Unit Aims:

The aims of this study unit are for students:
1. To observe demographic changes in longevity and trends in seniors' lifestyles and to study the long term implications for the economy, pensions, health and social security provision systems;
2. To provide students with an opportunity to understand and value active aging by encouraging people to participate in society and to realise their potential for financial, physical, social, and mental well-being throughout the life course;
3. To acknowledge the need to strengthen health education as a tool to prevent or retard the onset of disease and disabling conditions and the provision of adequate protection, security and care when the need arises;
4. To recognise age-friendly and dementia-friendly environments, communities and access to education and health services;
5.To raise awareness on elder abuse and neglect and to promote ethical values in matters such as end of life and palliative care.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Identify the longterm implications of longevity and seniors' lifestyles for the economy, pensions, health and social security provision systems following a study of the latest demographic and life expectancy trends;
- Describe the benefits of work, social participation and physical activity and ways through which a person can sustain physical, mental and social well being and financial security into their senior years;
- Recall detailed facts about nutrition for seniors and about nutrition-related diseases;
- List ways of ensuring safety and accessibility of buildings and spaces;
- Illustrate age discrimination and elderly abuse and neglect through case studies;
- Discuss end of life issues and the benefits of palliative care to the dying person and to close relatives.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Compare and evaluate the measures being proposed or implemented by the State with initiatives taken by other countries and advice being given by competent authorities within or outside the EU to ensure sustainability of its pension, health and social security systems;
- Present examples of how individuals can take full responsibility for their financial, social, physical and mental wellbeing right through their life course;
- Apply knowledge about nutrition by creating well balanced diets and diets for persons suffering from nutrition related diseases;
- Investigate features of accessible transportation, housing, public buildings and spaces;
- Design an easy to maintain, accessible and safe house for an elderly person;
- Propose practical ways of surmounting challenges arising from circumstances that make participation in education and health services become access-difficult as people age;
- Investigate ways of empowering the elderly to protect themselves against abuse;
- Map local provision for palliative care and how this can support and provide comfort to the dying and to close relatives.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Biggs, S. (1993) Understanding ageing : images, attitudes and professional practice. UK: OUP.
- Bond, J. (ed) (2007) Ageing in society: European perspectives on gerontology, UK: Sage Publications.
- Tinker, A. (1997), Older People in Modern Society, UK: Longman.

Most of the following publications are available on line or through the responsible Ministries:
- Directorate for Health Information Research Malta., Injuries in the Maltese Elderly;
- Malta, Pensions Working Group., (December 2010) Strategic Review on the Adequacy, Sustainability and Social Solidarity of the Pensions System;
- Ministry for Family and Social Security, Malta. Draft National Strategy for Retirement Income and Financial Literacy, Knowledge, Planning, Action 2016-2018;
- Ministry of Health the Elderly and Community Care Malta., National Report on Strategies for Social Protection and Social Inclusion 2008-2010;
- Ministry of Health, the Elderly and the Community (2010); A Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases in Malta;
- Directorate for Health Information and Research. (April 2012) Needs Assessment of the Elderly in Malta;
- National Commission for Active Aging, Malta.,National Strategic Policy for Active Aging 2014-2020;
- National Dementia Strategy 2014;
- National Minimum Standards Care Homes for older people. 2014;
- National Office of Statistics,Malta., (2005) Perceptions on Retirement and Pensions;
- National Office of Statistics,Malta., Demographic Review 2013.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM1 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Grace Ann Buhagiar
Thea Mifsud
Geoffrey Axiak
Martin Buhagiar
Joseph Degabriele


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.