Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Innovative Teaching Tools and Learning Environments in Physical Education

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Health, Physical Education and Consumer Studies

DESCRIPTION Physical Education teachers have traditionally relied on their observations to assess students' learning and performance. Recent advances in technology, using devices such as mobiles and tablets provide new ways of improving teaching and assessment. Various applications can also assist PE teachers in managing physical education lessons and students' data, and the first part of this unit will expose the students to the latest technology available on the market.

The involvement of parents in achieving the objectives of Physical Education will also be tackled in this unit, together with the main conditioning exercises required to aid children in their physical development.

Physical Education has traditionally been taught in school yards and in school halls, while most subjects are usually taught within the boundary of the classroom. Educational Outdoor Adventure has recently been included in the local Physical Education curriculum and the second part of this study-unit focuses on the skills required to teach this area both inside and outside the school premises. Recent literature has shown that children are more motivated to learn if they are exposed to practical activities and this unit also exposes students to the opportunity to integrate physical education to other subjects.

Study-unit Aims:

- Familiarize students with various technological equipment and software that can be used in teaching and assessment in physical education;
- Recognise the importance of parental involvement in reinforcing physical education objectives;
- Explain how PE teachers can integrate physical education to other subjects, thus increasing the pupils' activity time and their motivation to learn;
- Teach various techniques and activities which could be adopted in an outdoor educational setting;
- Familiarise students with different settings where outdoor education can be held.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Use different innovative PE pedagogies within learning programs;
- List the technological tools and applications available to manage the physical education lesson;
- Demonstrate the use of the applications available to assess the students' performance and to improve it;
- Describe how different topics in various subjects can be integrated to Physical Education;
- Describe the use of various outdoor education equipment (e.g. a compass) and how to integrate such use with physical activities;
- Plan outdoor education activities, and carry out a risk assessment of the place being used.

2. Skills
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Integrate Physical Education to other subjects in the curriculum;
- Select the right technology and application for use in Physical Education;
- Create a link with parents to obtain their support in achieving the goals of Physical Education;
- Prepare and deliver conditioning activities for children;
- Demonstrate the logistics behind an outdoor educational adventure activity;
- Analyse map reading and compass work;
- Identify and execute orienteering and navigational demands;
- Define clues to solve a treasure hunt;
- Prepare a cradle and light up a fire for outdoor cooking;
- Carry out a risk assessment prior to organising an outdoor event;
- Apply rope work to different adventure scenarios;
- Display the appropriate technique to abseil;
- Prepare a cradle and light up a fire for outdoor cooking.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts

Bunting, C.J. (2006) Interdisciplinary Teaching Through Outdoor Education. Champaign.IL, Human Kinetics.
Proutry, D., Panicucci, J, Collinson, R. (2007) Adventure Education. Theory and Application. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics.
Gilbertson, K., Bates, T., McLaughlin, T., Ewart, A. (2006) Outdoor Education. Methods and Strategies. Champaign. Human Kinetics.
Louv, R. (2010) Last Child in the Woods. Croydon. CPI Bookmarque.
Popeska, B & Jovanova, S. (2016). Integration and Correlation concepts in Physical Education. Research in Kinesiology. 44 (2), 262-269.
Wiseman, J. (1999) The SAS Survival Handbook. Hammersmith. Harper Collins.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Reflective Diary SEM2 Yes 30%
Assignment SEM2 Yes 70%

LECTURER/S Kevin Joseph Azzopardi
Martin Borg
Karl Cortis
Ivan Riolo (Co-ord.)


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.