Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Europe in early modern times c.1450 - c.1789

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course




DESCRIPTION Over the course of 14 two-hours sessions, students will be given a coherent overview of the continuities and changes that Europeans experienced between c.1450s and c.1780s. The study-unit will commence with an introductory lecture which will tackle the range of intellectual labels that fall within this period, including but not limited to, 'early modern', 'Renaissance', 'Reformation', 'Counter-Reformation', and 'Enlightenment'. This will serve as a 'road-map' for students as it will provide the bearings necessary for them to meander through a rich and evocative time period. Lectures 2 to 7 will follow a chronological approach, whereby students will get a sense of how things changed between c.1450 and c.1789, taking in politics, religion, the economy, as well as contacts with the non-European world. Lectures 8 to 13 will be more theme-based, with each lecture focusing on a core aspect of the early modern period, ranging from Inquisition to the Russian Empire. Lecture 14 will then tie-up the study-unit and offer insights into the wholeness and the particularities of the time-frame covered.

Study-unit Aims

• To offer students insights into the history of Europe in early modern times from a variety of angles, including political developments, economic changes and religious issues;
• To make students aware of divergent points-of-view about history as a discipline and the early modern period in particular;
• To underscore the interaction between the different parts of Europe (and other areas of the globe) and the effects that this interaction had;
• To alert students about varying interpretations of the past.

Learning Outcomes

1. Knowledge & Understanding:
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

• explain what the basic conceptual categories associated with the period c.1450-c.1789, are and what debates surround these;
• highlight and analyze key themes in the history of early modern Europe;
• describe developments in the history of early modern Europe from a variety of angles, including the non-European dimension.

2. Skills:
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

• read critically and selectively and make sense of a range of secondary sources;
• navigate with confidence through online resources and understand how to distinguish between generic web sites and serious academic tools for the study of history;
• distinguish between primary and secondary sources;
• write an essay with a clear structure and logical presentation of arguments.

All of these skills are transferable and will prove useful to students in a variety of fields and career avenues.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings

Main texts
• Koenigsberger, H.G., Mosse, George L., and Bowler, G.Q., Europe in the sixteenth century, (Longman, 1989) [Main Lib D220 .K64 1989]
• Pennington, D.H., Europe in the seventeenth century, (Longman, 1989) [Main Lib D240 .P46 1989]
• Anderson, M.S., Europe in the eighteenth century, 1713-1783, (Longman, 1987) [Main Lib D286 .A5 1987]
• Munck, Thomas, Seventeeth century Europe : state, conflict and the social order in Europe, 1598-1700, (Macmillan, 1990) [Main Lib D246 .M86]
• Cameron, Euan (ed.), Early modern Europe: An Oxford History, (OUP, 1999) [Main Library D228 .E27]
• Brady, Thomas A., Oberman, Heiko A., Tracy, James D. (eds.), Handbook of European history, 1400-1600: late Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, 2 vols., (Brill, 1994-1996) [Main Lib D203 .H36]

Supplementary readings
• Eisenstein, Elizabeth L, The printing revolution in early modern Europe, (CUP, 1993) [Main Lib Z124 .E374] Eisenstein, Elizabeth L., The printing press as an agent of change : communications and cultural transformations in early-modern Europe, (CUP, 1979) [Main Lib, Short Loans Z124 .E37]
• Grafton, Anthony, and Blair, Ann (ed.), The transmission of culture in early modern Europe, (Penn, 1990) [Main Lib CB203 .T73]
• Burke, Peter, Popular culture in early modern Europe, (Ashgate, 2009) [Main Library CB358 .B87 2009]
• Diefendorf, Barbara B. and Hesse, Carla (eds.), Culture and identity in early modern Europe (1500-1800): essays in honor of Natalie Zemon Davies, (University of Michigan Press, 1993) [Main Lib D208 .C8]
• Burke, Peter (ed.), Economy and society in early modern Europe : essays from ’Annales’, (Routledge, 1972) [Main Lib HC240 .B8]
• Burke, Peter, What is cultural history?, (Polity, 2008) [Main Lib D13 .B87 2008]
• Elias, Norbert, The civilizing process : sociogenetic and psychogenetic investigations, (Blackwell, 2000) [Main Library CB83 .E413 2000]
• Koenigsberger, H.G., The Habsburgs and Europe, 1516-1660, (Cornell, Uni Press, 1971) [Main Lib D228 .K64]
• Kamen, Henry, Empire : how Spain became a world power, 1492-1763, (Perennial, 2004) [Main Lib DP164 .K36]

During the course of the lectures, students will be advised about, and provided with material for further reading, particularly through the VLE.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM2 Yes 50%
Examination (1 Hour) SEM2 Yes 50%

LECTURER/S Emanuel Buttigieg


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.