Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Maltese Personalities and their Family History

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course




DESCRIPTION This study-unit focuses on the biographical study of a number of individuals who have marked the history of Malta. The choice of personalities covers an extensive time period from the late Middle Ages up to our days. These personalities, whether priests or laymen, Christians or Muslims, males or females, will be studied within the context of their family and the society of their time. Therefore, this study-unit will include the traditional aspect related to family history based on family narratives and traditions. Once this has been established, it will seek to explain how these narratives and traditions have conditioned history and in turn, how these personalities were conditioned by history and the culture of the time. This means that these personalities may have been subjected to bias and misinterpretation.

Genealogical studies have a tendency to focus on male narratives. This unit will go beyond this historical paradigm. Besides the inclusion of a number of female personalities who have marked Maltese history, this course will seek to analyse how foreigners have looked and viewed the character of the Maltese, in particular, those whom they considered as the ruling elite. The personalities selected for this unit are all individuals who have been the subject of an academic study whether in the form of a published paper, a book or a dissertation.

Study-Unit Aims:

• To introduce students to the history of a number of Maltese personalities who have formed or are forming Malta as a state and a nation;
• To offer an analysis of past and contemporary individuals who have left their mark or are still influencing Maltese society;
• To explain the context in which these Maltese personalities have worked, both within their family and the society of their time;
• To present personalities coming from different spheres and backgrounds;
• To explain the family background of these personalities;
• To provide a useful historical introduction to those interested in writing Maltese biographies;
• To offer a post-structural approach to history.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

• demonstrate a knowledge about the life of a number of Maltese personalities, and how and why they were successful in their endeavours;
• recognize how to write historical biographies;
• demonstrate an understanding of epistemological models on which one can base historical writing;
• discuss, in a historical manner, various individuals from various sectors of society;
• explain the life and endeavours of a number of Maltese men and women who have had an impact on society;
• argue the why and wherefores of the importance of the study of the history of Maltese personalities.

2. Skills
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

• demonstrate a solid understanding of the history of Maltese personalities;
• write, scientifically and correctly, about Maltese personalities;
• relate and analyze archival and published information related to the field of family history;
• solve challenges related to the study of family history;
• order and record information on those personalities who have made history.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

• S. Mercieca, L-Isfidi Demografiċi tal-bieraħ tal-lum u ta’ Għada: Ħarsa Storika minn Żmien il-Gvern ta’ Borg Borg Olivier sal-Lum, (Malta, 2013).
• M. Cauchi and S. Mercieca, Laudamus Viros Gloriosos, (Malta, 2019).
• S. Mercieca ‘Archival Research on Grand Master Jean de Valette’s Progeny’, Scientia et Religio Studies in Memory of Fr George Aquilina OFM (1939-2012) Scholar, Archivist and Franciscan Friar, ed. John Azzopardi, Wignacourt Musuem Publication, (Malta, 2014), pp. 115 – 131.
• S. Mercieca ‘Amicitia Extenditur ad Extraneos, Marriage Law and the Concept of Citizenship (1563-1789)’, Journal of Mediterranean Studies. History, Culture and Society in the Mediterranean World, vol. 10, no. 1&2, 2000, pp.151-171.

Supplementary Readings:

(Articles for Early Modern Times)
• S. Mercieca, ‘Commerce in Eighteenth-Century Malta. The Story of the Prepaud Family’, Consolati di Mare and Chambers of Commerce. Proceeding of a Conference held at the Foundation for International Studies (Valletta, 1998), C. Vassallo ed., (Malta, 2000), pp. 185-197.
• S. Mercieca, ‘The Possessions of Titles and Ways of Address in Early Modern Malta’, Humanitas, Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Vol. II, 2003, pp. 41-60.
• S. Mercieca, Wrote a number of entries for the Dictionaire historique de la Corse, edited by Antoine Luarent Serpentini published by SARL, les Editions (2006).
• S. Mercieca, ‘Starting a Family in another Land: Spaniards in Malta, 1580s to 1640s’, Proceedings of History Week 2013, Malta Historical Society, (2015), pp. 45-61.
• S. Mercieca, ‘Anatomies of Spanish Settlers in Malta between 1580 and 1648: Their Family Stories’, Symposia Melitensia, Number 11, (2015), pp. 145-170.

(19th-Century Biographies)
• S. Mercieca, ‘The Scoglio Ingrato: Archaeology, History, and Mazzinian Beliefs in Malta through the views of Franesco Crispi’, Malta and Mazzini, Proceedings to History Week 2005, ed. Simon Mercieca (Malta, 2007), pp. 61- 94.
• S. Mercieca, ‘Mażunerija, Reliġjon u l-Bidu tal-Partiti Politiċi f’Malta: L-Istorja tal-Familji Ganado u Sceberras’, Herbert Ganado bejn Storja u Miti, ed. Sergio Grech, (Malta, 2015), pp. 157-190.

(20th-Century Biographies)
• S. Mercieca, 'In Search of the roots of the Unione Politica Maltese (U.P.M.): religion, identity and social consciousness' Inservi Hidma Politika 1969-2009 Gabra ta’ Kitbiet f’Gieh Eddie Fenech Adami, ed. Michael J. Schiavone and Leonard Callus, (Malta, 2009), pp. 315-351.
• S. Mercieca, ‘Il-Perit Duminku Mintoff u l-Immakulata (1916-2012)’, Duminku Mintoff Bejn Storja u Miti, Ġabra ta’ Kitbiet, Malta, Horizons, 2012, 59- 78. Kristu Re – Paola, 317, 40, Lulju 2018, 7-15.

ADDITIONAL NOTES This study-unit is solely offered to Undergraduate Diploma in Maltese History in Context students.


Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Simon Mercieca


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.