Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Malta Before and After Independence: Aspects of Maltese Social and Political History

UM LEVEL 02 - Years 2, 3 in Modular Undergraduate Course




DESCRIPTION This study-unit will critically analyse Malta’s case of transition from colonialism to statehood in the post-war period, the non-linear course towards Independence, and its ‘post-colonial’ aftermaths until EU accession. These will be explored through the postures taken by different Maltese political parties, the Church, and the British government, both locally and in London. Central to this study are the political implications of referenda, elections and party politics, legislation, institutional behaviour, constitutional development and foreign affairs. Besides the political aspect of colonial transition, such other forces as economic diversification, the tensions between clericalism and secularisation, and cultural transformation will further deepen the student’s understanding of the Maltese post-colonial phase. This analysis will be set against the theoretical framework of postcolonialism, and the global narrative of British decolonisation, allowing for comparative assessment with other colonial transitions.

Study-Unit Aims:

This study-unit will seek to acquaint students with their relatively recent history, particularly the transitions of Malta from ‘fortress colony’ status and genres of nationalism to an additional, complementary continental European ‘belonging’ in a challengingly more open and democratic mould. This study-unit also aims at assisting students in properly contextualising the post-colonial phase both in Maltese history, but also in the wider scope of British decolonisation.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- analyse the Maltese case of independence from a global perspective and within a theoretical framework;
- realise what the nature of colonial dependence, subjection and reliance consisted of;- appreciate the difficulties of emerging from it towards a new-found freedom from external or internal controls;
- understand that decolonisation is not only a political transformation but carries economic and socio-cultural ramifications too;
- treat differences and alterity in civil society, including political pluralism, with due comprehension and respect in Malta as well as overseas.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- grasp discourse analysis with regards to the challenges of nation-building and of an independent democratic statehood;
- contextualise Maltese decolonisation in the corresponding theoretical and broader historical framework;
- internalise and monitor the workings of parliamentary democracy, including foreign relations, identify and ascertain the nature, benefits and limits of freedom, including freedom after independence;
- assess the rapport between rights and duties in a more pluralist society within developing institutional frameworks, including communications.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- Henry Frendo, The Origins of Maltese Statehood: A Case Study of Decolonization in the Mediterranean (PEG 1999, 2nd ed. 2000)
- Henry Frendo, Party Politics in a Fortress Colony: The Maltese Experience (Midsea, 1979, 3rd edition 2013, updated to 2012)
- Henry Frendo, Europe and Empire: Culture, Politics and Identity in Malta and the Mediterranean (Midsea, 2012, esp. ch. 22)
- Henry Frendo, The legacy of colonialism: the experience of Malta and Cyprus in D. G. Lockhart, D. Drakakis-Smith & J. Schembri (Eds.), The development process in small island states, (London, Routledge, 1993), 151-160.
- Henry Frendo, Patrijott Liberali Malti, Bijografija ta’ Gorg Borg Olivier 1911-1980 (Malta, PIN, 2005).
- Henry Frendo, Malta’s Quest for Independence: Reflections on the Course of Maltese History (Valletta Publishing and Promotion Co. Ltd.,1989).
- Sergio Grech (Ed), Duminku Mintoff: Bejn Storja u Miti (Malta, Horizon, 2012).
- John Chircop (Ed), Revisiting Labour History (Malta, Horizons, 2012).
- Mark Camilleri, From Colonialism to Mintoffianism (Valletta, 2012)
- Joseph M.Pirotta, L-Istorja Kostituzzjonali u l-Isfond Storiku 1942-2004 (Malta, PIN, 2005)
- Mark Farrugia, (ed.) Hide and Seek: Reflections on Faith and Culture in Dialogue, (MKSU/APS Bank, 2009)
- Edward J. Spiteri, Malta: An Island in Transition – Maltese Economic History, 1954-1974 (Progress Press Company Ltd., 1997• Edward L. Zammit, A Colonial Inheritance. Maltese Perceptions of Work, Power and Class Structure with regard to the Labour Movement (Valletta, University Press, 1984).
- Mario Vassallo, From Lordship to Stewardship: Religion and Social Change in Malta (The Hague, 1979).
- Dennis Austin, Malta and the End of Empire (London, 1971).
- John Darwin, The End of the British Empire: The Historical Debate (UK, Basil Blackwell Ltd., 1991).
- Simon C. Smith, ‘Dependence and independence: Malta and the end of empire’, Journal of Maltese History, 1, 2008, 45.
- Godfrey Baldacchino, ‘A Nationless State? Malta, National Identity and the EU’, West European Politics, 25.4 (2002): 191-206.
-Dane Kennedy, ‘Postcolonialism and History’, in Graham Huggan, the Oxford Handbook of Postcolonial Studies, (UK, Oxford University Press, 2013).


STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Presentation

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Presentation (15 Minutes) SEM2 Yes 40%
Assignment SEM2 Yes 60%

LECTURER/S Simone Azzopardi


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.