Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Foundations of Inclusive Education

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Inclusion and Access to Learning

DESCRIPTION This study-unit introduces the ingredients for successful inclusive education, the barriers and threats to this philosophy, and the implications of inclusion in school, where everybody belongs. More specifically, students will also be introduced to current disability issues and models affecting inclusive practices and inclusion in schools and the community of persons with disability.

In this study-unit, students will be introduced to the philosophical concept of Universal Design in Education (UDE) and will explore a number of frameworks which underpin this fundamental concept in the design and provision of inclusive education. These frameworks promote an educational experience that is more inclusive for students, educators and administrators with a great variety of characteristics, including those related to gender, race and ethnicity, age, stature, disability, and learning preference. UDE addresses the Class Learning Profile (CLP) to ensure that the abilities and needs of students are answered.

Study-Unit Aims:

The aim of this study-unit is to introduce students to the general concepts of inclusive education. This study-unit aims to develop students' awareness of disability models and how these models affect the way persons with disability are perceived. It evaluates how these perceptions affect the provision of education and support to students with a disability. Via an exploration of the concept of Universal Design in Education (UDE), this study-unit aims to introduce students to the necessary tools (scaffolds, supports and alternatives) to be able to support the class/subject teacher.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Describe the ingredients for successful inclusive education, the barriers and threats to this philosophy;
- Discuss the implications of inclusion in school, where everybody belongs;
- Identify current disability issues and models affecting inclusive practices and inclusion in schools and the community of persons with disability;
- Explain how Universal Design in Education (UDE) allows educators to answer to all students' abilities and needs and addresses variability in class;
- Explain and discuss the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), its origin, development, and effects on learning;
- List the different brain networks on which UDL is based, namely: the affective network, the strategic and receptive network
- Discuss ways on how to eliminate barriers in learning by creating flexible educational materials and methods based on 'multiple or flexible representations of information and concepts, the 'what' of learning', 'multiple or flexible options in expression and performance (the 'how' of learning)' and 'multiple and flexible ways to engage learners in the curriculum, the 'why' of learning' (Rose &Meyer, 2002, cited in Meo, 2008, p.22);
- Describe the tools used in Universal Design Learning with special emphasis on the guidelines to UDL and recent inclusive technologies;
- Identify short term and long term goals with the family and other professionals, as part of the transdiciplinary team;
- Identify the IEP for students with specific needs;
- Describe the processes needed for task analysis to reach the identified SMART goals and discuss ways of evaluating students' progress in the general curriculum.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Implement the ingredients for successful inclusive education, the barriers and threats to this philosophy;
- Apply the implications of inclusion in school where everybody belongs;
- Analyse current disability issues and models and show how these are affecting inclusive practices and inclusion in a specific school;
- Plan learning experiences using UDL principles to address the needs and abilities of all pupil;
- Examine the effects of UDL on learning;
- Identify the strengths and needs of learners according to the different brain networks on which Universal Design Learning is based, namely the affective network, the strategic and receptive network;
- Construct ways on how to eliminate barriers in learning by creating flexible educational materials and methods based on 'multiple or flexible representations of information and concepts, the 'what' of learning', 'multiple or flexible options in expression and performance (the 'how' of learning)' and 'multiple and flexible ways to engage learners in the curriculum, the 'why' of learning';
- Construct short term and long term goals with the family and other professionals, as part of the transdisciplinary team;
- Evaluate ways of collaborating with the teacher and team to draw up the IEP for students with disability;
- Conduct a task analysis to reach the identified SMART goals through which students' progress in the general curriculum will be assessed.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Tanti Burlo’ E. (2011). Counseling and disability: Some reflections (pp. 55-72 ) in Zucca D., Counseling e orientamento nel contesto universitario. Esperienze e ricerche. Parma, Italia: edizioni junior.
- Tanti Burlo’ E., (2010) Inclusive education, a qualitative leap in Lifespan and disability. XIII, 2 , 203-221.
- Tanti Burlo’ E., in Azzopardi A. (2010) Making sense of inclusive education. Where everyone belongs, Chp. 6 Progress in the general curriculum through Universal Design for Learning, pp.55-67. VDM Verlag, Germany.

Supplementary Readings:

- Calleja C., Tanti Burlo’ E.(2018). The transformative experience of an educator: an inclusive perspective. , in Successive system of inclusive education: interaction of specialists in different fields: materials of VI International scientific and practical conference. Kazan Publishing House. Kazan Innovative University pp. 37-43.
- Tanti Burlo’ E., Calleja C. (2018) Opening the doors to learning in Successive system of inclusive education: interaction of specialists in different fields: materials of VI International scientific and practical conference. Kazan Publishing House. Kazan Innovative University, pp. 43- 49.
- SWIFT Education Centre:
- Dan Habib: Including Samuel
- Dan Habib: Thysa


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM1 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Jonathan Borg


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