Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Inclusive Practice through Theatre, Creative Arts, Physical Activity, Sports and Leisure

UM LEVEL 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Inclusion and Access to Learning

DESCRIPTION The study-unit will cover the inclusive nature of each discipline within the community and possibilities for inclusion within each subject in an educational environment. The unit offers students the opportunity to cultivate basic skills in all three disciplines. In Art, they will identify and practise cognitive, technical, social skills such as collaborative, creative and critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students will be introduced to four main categories of Art (aesthetic, personal & social, technical, perception), aiming at providing a holistic learning experience. Students will develop a portfolio of artworks that reflects their commitment in exploring ideas, emotions, materials and techniques.
The study-unit will explore theatre theory as learning in a practical setting, with students devising their own work to explore a variety of inclusive needs within an educational context. Modelling through role play, peer criticism and reflective journalling will form part of their method of study. In theatre, students will independently and collectively research practitioners and companies, especially in relation to inclusive practice.
In Physical Activity, Physical Education, Sport and Leisure, students will introduced to these different concepts and how these are a right of every individual, being from an inclusive participation at the grassroots level up to elite levels. The barriers and challenges are also highlighted and discussed in light of what the experience in sport can provide in combatting these challenges. Existing global, European and National policies and guidelines are reviewed and explored so as to have an in-depth understanding of the right of participation. This part of the unit will provide exposure how diversity can be addressed in PA, PE and Sport and Leisure and the inclusion spectrum within these fields. Different existing models and frameworks targeting inclusive practice in PE and sport will be highlighted for students to comprehend how practice can be enhanced.

Study-Unit Aims:

The study-unit will provide exposure to Visual and Performing Arts skills, culture and literacy. Introduction to pedagogical strategies aimed at enabling learners of all abilities to engage in and benefit from the creative and practical process. The techniques and skills explored, can eventually be adapted to the facilitation of other curriculum subjects. The skills and strategies developed through a creative process of collaboration, reflection, application and innovation will ultimately underline the significance of Art and Theatre as the means for nurturing creative communication in personal and collective well-being.
Whilst challenging dominant perceptions of disabled students' abilities, this study unit aims at improving their experiences and participation, particularly by familiarizing educators with the multifaceted benefits when participating in physical activity, physical education, sport and leisure and creating a mind-set that such activities should be available to all as it is a human right. Service providers, being educators or specialised personnel in the field are to be trained in order to provide opportunities for all.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Recognise Health and Safety aspects of a practical learning environment;
- Demonstrate how sport can be a context where the perceptions and attitudes can be challenged whilst self-esteem and self-confidence and social inclusion can be enhanced;
- Explain how Art and Theatre can be applied as media of Inclusion and Creative expression;
- Illustrate creative and developmental artistic processes;
- Identify a range of constructivist pedagogical strategies which can be applied to other subject areas to facilitate inclusion;
- Analyze the effect of isolating disabled students from non-disabled students thus reinforcing, rather than breaking down, barriers between students in sports activities.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Interpret different aspects of Visual Art and Theatre;
- Perform art, theatre and other forms of creative expression as inclusive practices;
- Organize a portfolio of practical work through a variety of media;
- Explore different research methods, observation and response to stimuli to create original work;
- Reflect analytically on and assess the characteristics of their own and others' work (peer and self-assessment);
- Reproduce constructivist pedagogical strategies within different subject areas;
- Implement through adaptations existing elements of curriculum in a creative way to ensure inclusion of all learners;
- Evaluate how sport contexts can be modified to improve the experiences and participation of all students.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:


Main Texts:
- Boal, A. (1979) Games for Actors and non-Actors, trans, by A. Jackson, Johnston, C.
- Chesner, A (1998) Groupwork with Learning Disabilities: Creative Drama, Oxon: Speechmark Publishing Ltd.
- Jennings. S. (1986) Creative Drama in Groupwork, Oxon: Winslow Press.

Supplementary Readings:
- Auslander, P. and C, Sandahl (eds). (2005) Bodies in Commotion: Disability and Performance, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press.
Zucca D. (2011) Clowning in the classroom. A new pedagogical approach to healthy psychological development. University of Malta press.


Main Texts:
- Djerby, J. (2011), Disability studies and art education. Studies in Art Education. A Journal of Issues and Research in Art Education, 52 (2), 94-121.
- Malley, S.M. (Ed.). (2012). The intersection of arts education and special education: Exemplary programs and approaches. John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Retrieved from
- Mason, C.Y., & Steedly, K.S. (2006). Lessons and rubrics for arts integration. Teaching Exceptonal children Plus, 3 (1).
- Penketh, C. ( 2014) Putting Disability studies to work in Art Education. International Journal of Art and Design, V33 n3, p.2gz-3oo out 2014.
- Taylor, M. (2005). Access and Support i the development of a visual language: Arts education and disabJed students. Jnternational Journal of Art & Design Education, 24 (3), 325-333.
- WexJer, A. (2011). Studies in art education. A Journal of Issues end Research in Art Education, 53 (1), 53-70.

Supplementary Readings:
- Gerber, B.L. & Guay, D.M. (2006). Reaching and Teaching Students with Special Needs through Art. Virginia: National Art Education Association.
- Glass, D. (Ed.) (2010). The Contours of Inclusion: Inclusive arts leaning and learning. Washington, D.C.: VSA.
- Gardner, H. (1990). Art education and human development. Los Angeles. The Getty Education Institute for the Arts.
- Anderson, A. (2015). Arts integration and special education: An inclusive theor\ of action for Student Engagement. New York: Routledge.
- Peter, M. (1996) Art for All I - The Framework: Developing Art in the Curriculum with Students \? ith Special Fd«cational f'eeJs. Londcn: Oavio Fulton Publishers.
- Peter, M. (1996) Art for All II - the Practices Developi 6 *n in the Curriculum with Pupils with Special Eduration Needs (Entitlement for all) (v. 2). London: Oavid Fulton Publishers.
- Shafton, H.G. (2012). Making art special: a curriculum for special education I art. /VliIv7a ukee: CreateSpace independent Publishing= Platform.


Main Texts:
- Coakley, J. J., & Pike, E. (2009). Sport in society: Issues and controversies.
- Winnick, J..P & Porretta, D.L. (2017) (6th Edition) Adapted Physical Educaiton and Sport.Hyman Kinetics
- Hayes, S. & Stidder, G. (2003) Equity and Inclusion in Physical Educaiton and sport. Routledge

Supplementary Readings:
- Thomas, N., & Smith, A. (2008). Disability, sport and society: An introduction. Routledge. Fitzgerald, H. (Ed.). (2009). Disability and youth sport. Routledge.
- Brittain, I. (2004). Perceptions of disability and their impact upon involvement in sport for people with disabilities at all levels. Journal of sport and social issues, 28(4), 429-452.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Project SEM2 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Diana Cauchi
Lara Tonna
Charmaine Zammit


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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.