Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Foresight Techniques for Creativity and Innovation

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT The Edward de Bono Institute for Creative Thinking and Innovation

DESCRIPTION Foresight is a systematic, participatory, future-intelligence-gathering and medium- to long-term vision-building process aimed at present-day decisions and mobilising joint actions. Foresight arises from a convergence of trends underlying recent developments in the fields of 'policy analysis', 'strategic planning' and 'future studies'. It brings together key agents of change and various sources of knowledge in order to develop strategic visions and anticipatory intelligence.

Foresight can be applied to a broad range of topics (scientific, industrial, demographic, social, political and cultural). While it can be used to inform policy making, design corporate strategy, build networks, and enhance local capabilities for tackling long-term issues, it is not a magical solution that can solve all social, economic or political problems.

Indicative Content:

- Foresight rationale, process and methodologies;
- A historical overview of the use of foresight;
- The role of context and creativity in foresight;
- Foresight as a strategic tool for policy-making and for corporate strategy;
- Managing a foresight exercise;
- The role of learning and dissemination in foresight;
- The epistemology of foresight;
- Practical application of foresight;
- Case studies on the use and applications of foresight.

Study-unit Aims:

This study-unit aims to provide students with a good understanding of foresight, incorporating theory, methodologies and practical application, particularly in intelligence gathering, policy making and corporate strategy. This will be linked to the use of foresight methodologies which encourage creativity and innovation.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- describe the manner in which foresight activities are conducted;
- critically analyse the use of creativity and innovation in foresight practice and activities;
- explain the importance of participant learning as a key outcome in foresight activities.

2. Skills
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- compare and analyse forecasting and foresight approaches;
- demonstrate the practical application of some of the key methodologies used in foresight;
- analyse the manner in which foresight, creativity and innovation are interlinked;
- demonstrate the ability to conduct a simple foresight exercise.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Goodman, M. and Dingli, S. (2013). Creativity and Strategic Innovation Management, Routledge, Chapter 16: Foresight Methodologies for coping with change, pp. 257 – 269.
- Gavigan, J. P. and Scapolo F. (1999). Matching methods to the mission: a comparison of national Foresight exercises. Foresight 01(06): 495-517.
- Georghiou, L., Harper, J., Keenan, M. et al. (2008). The Handbook on Technology Foresight. Elgar Publishers.
- Miles, I., Saritas, O., Sokolov, A. (2016). Foresight for science, technology and innovation, Springer, New York.

Supplementary Readings:

- M van Gelderen, J Wiklund, JS Mc Mullen. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, (2021): Entrepreneurship in the Future: A Delphi Study of ETP and JBV Editorial Board Members
- Bell, W. (1997). Foundations of futures studies. 2 vols. Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick and London, 1997. ISBN 1-56000-271-9 and 1-56000-281-6.
- Godet, M. (1993). From anticipation to action - A handbook of strategic prospective. Paris, UNESCO.
- Godet, M. (2001). Creating Futures - Scenario Planning as a Strategic Management Tool. London, Economica.
- Keenan M., Miles, I., Fahri, F. and Lecoq, D. (2001). Creating Vision in the Regions: a framework for organising Regional Foresight, IPTS Report no 59 Nov 2001 pp6 –12.
- Government Office for Science (2017) Tools for Futures Thinking and Foresight Across UK Government, Edition 1.0.
- Makridakis, S., Wheelwright, S. et al. (1983). Forecasting: methods and applications. New York, John Wiley & Sons.
- Martino, J. P. (1993). Technological forecasting for decision making. Third edition, New York, McGraw-Hill.
- Masini Barbieri, E. (1993). Why futures studies? London, Grey Seal Books.
- Popper, R. (2008) How are foresight methods selected? Foresight, Vol. 10 Issue: 6, pp.62-89.
- Schartz, P. (1998). The art of the long view: planning for the future in an uncertain world, Wiley, Chichester etc., ISBN 0-471-97785-3 121.
- Slaughter, R. A. (1996). The knowledge base of futures studies as an evolving process. Futures, 28(9): 799-812.
- Van Der Heijden, K. (1996). Scenarios: The art of strategic conversation, Chichester, John Wiley.

Relevant Web Sites:


Additional resources will be uploaded on to the VLE for this study-unit.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Workshop

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Presentation SEM1 Yes 30%
Assignment SEM1 Yes 70%



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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.