Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Thinking about Social Studies and Teaching and Learning Strategies including ICT

UM LEVEL 05 - Postgraduate Modular Diploma or Degree Course



DEPARTMENT Languages and Humanities Education

DESCRIPTION This unit will develop strategies and help students to prepare lesson plans to include presentations, worksheets and other educational material with a student centered approach. Class management techniques are taken in consideration to help students to understand the context in which they will be teaching Social Studies. The study-unit will encourage students to create different lesson plans according to the Social Studies curriculum, and to be given feedback during lectures.

This study-unit will also link with other study units in preparing students for the Practicum experience and to discuss principles of design in relation to presentations suitable for the age and level of the students using Web2Tools for use in the Social Studies lesson.

Study-Unit Aims:

The aim of this unit is to provide the student teacher with the necessary help:
- To become knowledgeable on ways to develop the ability in students he/she will teach to make informed and reasoned decisions for the public good as citizen of a culturally diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
- To explore and become knowledgeable of the different lesson formats related to different lesson strategies and styles and select the correct format for the lesson in hand and to integrate the levels of Bloom's Taxonomy to develop graded worksheets and tests.
- To reflect on the role of the social studies teacher with reference to the local multi-cultural context.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will:
- Be able to demonstrate detailed theoretical and practical knowledge of the different teaching and learning strategies and understand their use and effect on students.
- Be able to reflect and focus, not only on the advantages, but also on the disadvantages using modern technology in the classroom can have.
- Become knowledgeable in and evaluate the effects of modern technology in the class.

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:
- Apply knowledge and understanding in a manner that indicates a professional approach to teaching;
- Communicate ideas, solve problems and suggest solutions to a range of students of varying ages and abilities and to improve in this skill with experience gained in the field of work;
- Develop a social scientific imagination of Social studies see links between theoretical perspectives and lesson planning;
- Adopt effective instructional approaches and strategies;
- Develop critical and reflective skills in their pedagogical practices ;
- Develop social and civic competences in view o Social Studies as a community-service learning area.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Main Texts:

- Ninvestigaw is-Socjeta, Godfrey Baldacchino. Miller Distributors 2011.
- Studji Socjali - Nifhmu l-Genn tas-Socjeta, Editor Brian Chircop, et al.BLD Books 2011.
- A Global Introduction, Macionis. Prentice Hall 2012.

Supplementary Readings:

- Social Studies for Secondary Schools, Alan J. Singer. Publishers: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 1997.


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM1 Yes 100%



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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.