Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Preservation Studies

UM LEVEL 02 - Years 2, 3 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Library Information and Archive Sciences

DESCRIPTION This study-unit will first deal with the fundamental principles of conservation. The causes and effects of deterioration will be analyzed and preventive methods of conservation will be discussed.

The second part will start with an introduction to the book and paper materials commonly found in most archives and libraries. The physical aspect or the archaeology of the book will be studied in such a way that the student will be able to identify not only any lacunae in books but also inherent weaknesses which could lead to deterioration. The principal factors in the deterioration of book materials will be discussed including both external and internal factors leading to their deterioration. The history of bookbinding and how its development mirrored the society of the period will also be discussed with the students.

Students will also be taught the general characteristics, the history and development of various techniques in paper manufacture; both handmade and machine-made and watermarks will be discussed. The history of paper will start from the Chinese and Japanese traditions to the development in the Arab world and the spread of papermaking in the West: The history and techniques of printing systems will also be studied to be able to deal with preservation management of works of art on paper. These include printed works and works of art on paper. The various dry and wet methods of composition of works of art on paper will be studied and the problems associated with the different techniques will be discussed.

Students will be made familiar with the presence of non-book materials found in library and archive collections. These include the following: photographs, motion picture film and videotapes, as well as three-dimensional artefacts which include medical models, globes, anatomical atlases, panoramas and peep shows. Their handling, storage and environmental control will also be touched upon as forming part of most library and archive collections.

There will be a discussion on the technical, scientific and ethical aspects of storage, display, transportation and exhibition of books and paper. The different objects and their specific requirements will be treated: different cases and solutions of storage, transport, display and exhibition of two and three dimensional books and paper artefacts will be illustrated and discussed on practical examples.

Finally basic principles in the organization of a disaster plan will be studies together with the students

Study-unit Aims:

By the end of the study-unit, students will know and understand the constuent materials and manufacturing techniques of collecons in libraries and archives. Students will have enough background knowledge in the historical development of the collecons in the libraries and archives. Future library employees will understand the importance of the physical aspect of the books and works of art on paper in order to help them look aer their collecons beer. Students will be trained to assess the condion of the collecons they would be working with and be responsible for.

Students will know how to create the right environment and storage condions for the collecons to ensure their proper preservaon and upkeep. Students will be able to idenfy the risks to their collecons and be in a posion to take remedial acon if and when the occasion arises.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Know and understand conservaon ethics;
- Know and understand how the book developed over the ages;
- Have a basic knowledge of bookbinding styles;
- Know the materials and techniques used in library collecons;
- Know the deterioraon processes which effect books and works of art on paper;
- Students will know and understand the nature of non-book materials which could be found in library collecons;
- Know how to prepare a disaster plan.

2. Skills

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- Appreciate modern criteria of conservaon;
- Recognize different types of bookbinding styles and paper;
- Recognize the various types of deterioraon processes of paper, leather and parchment caused by chemical, physical and biological agents;
- Recognize the various types of prinng methods;
- Idenfy what methods should be adopted for the conservaon of works of art on paper and recognize the problems associated with exhibion, display and storage of all types of materials;
- Idenfy the methods that should be adopted for the avoidance of disasters

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- Burde E., The Cra of Bookbinding, David and Charles, London, 1975. 1983.
- Barre T., Japanese Papermaking: Tradions, Tools & Techniques, Weatherhill, New York, Buerworths, London, 1987.
- Caneva G., Nugari M.P., & Salvadori O., Biological Conservaon of Works of Art, ICCROM, 1991.
- Carpenter, K.E. (ed.), Books and Society in History, New York, 1983.
- Carter, J., Muir, P.H. (eds.), Prinng and the Mind of Man, Munich, 1983.
- Carter, John. ABC for Book-Collectors, Werner Shaw, 1994.
- Cloonan M., Early Bindings in Paper, Mansell Publishing Ltd., London, 1991.
- Copede’ M., La Carta e il suo Degrado, Nardini Editore, Firenze, 1995.
- De Masi L., Libri anima in America. La collezione di Waldo Hunt, in ‘Charta’, IV, 31, 1997.
- Diehl E., Bookbinding: Its Background and Technique, Dover Publicaons, New York, 1980.
- Eisenstein, E.L. The Prinng Revoluon in Early Modern Europe, Cambridge University Press, 1983.
- Foot M., Studies in the History of Bookbinding, Scholar Press, Aldershot, 1993.
- Franchi P., Apri libro!, Edizioni Essegi, Ravenna, 1998.
- Haining P., Movable Books, New English Library, London, 1979.
- Hunter D., Papermaking, Dover Publicaons, New York, 1978.
- Ikegami K., Japanese Bookbinding, Weatherhill, New York, 1986.
- James C. et al., Old Master Prints and Drawings – A Guide to
- Preservaon and Conservaon, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, 1997.
- Karabacek J., Arab Paper 1887, Islinton Books Ltd., London, 1991.
- Lilli di Franco M, Locurio Rasola M.T. & Hackens T., The Conservaon of Library and Archive Materials, European University Centre for Cultural Heritage, PACT, 12, 1985.
- Middleton B., A History of English Cra Bookbinding Technique, Oak Knoll Press, Newcastle, 1996.
- Mosser D., Saffer M. & Sullivan E., Puzzles in Paper – concepts in Historical Watermarks, The Brish Library, London, 2000.
- Museum Emergency Plan. Canadian Museums Associaon, n.d.
- Petherbridge G., Conservaon of Library and Archive Materials and the Graphic Arts,
- Rudin B., Making Paper, A Look into the History of an Ancient Cra, Vallingby, Sweden, 1990.
- Swartzburg Garretson S., Conservaon in the Library, Aldwycg Press, London, 1983.
- Techniques and Uses, Lund Humphries, 1983.

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture and Fieldwork

Assessment Component/s Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment Yes 100%



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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.