Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Assurance for the Digital Enterprise

UM LEVEL 02 - Years 2, 3 in Modular Undergraduate Course



DEPARTMENT Business and Enterprise Management

DESCRIPTION Quality in the digital economy will be discussed as digital innovation, digital excellence, and digital care, leading to e-trust. E-Quality means digital thought and practice leadership and early insight into latent and emerging digital enterprise needs

Systems thinking will be presented and used to describe, organisations, information systems, the cloud, etc. to reason about objectives and methods of assurance, quality, etc. :

- Quality Models at organizational / enterprise level will be discussed, e.g. the EFQM (European foundation for Quality Management) model, and the CQI (Chartered Quality Institute) model.
- IT Service Management Systems, quality and infosec management will be processes and methods, with examples of automation. e.g. with e.g. for planning and controls of delivery of digital information providers / integrators.

Whereas such measures until recently give assurance on remote e-transactions / m-transactions from anywhere to anywhere, the rapid and mutating AI/ML scene needs e-trust for even more compelling reasons Indeed, analytics and ML / AI both need and can be part of the solution, inserted within tools for better assurance.

The concept of TQM will be interpreted and referenced

Total approaches to digital quality will cover service, data and software assurance, holistically, data centre / service sesk assuracce, data / information assurance, and software assurance.
: holistic assurance of: availability, capacity, service / operational levels, as well as relationship, release, resolution and control processes

controls such as:Review and Test assurance planning.

With mass digitalisation across sectors and economies
In data / information rich businesses more of such controls are inprocess, and automated to varying extents. Thus, plans, Service Level agreements (SLAs), variances, changes and Service Automation (in data centres, service desks), accompany the automation in Software Houses / Integrators. Assurance & quality throughout


As Bodies of Knowledge of professional Bodies, ISO / EN standards ….

Study-unit Aims:

Students will be led over the study-unit to see Assurance as a “before-the fact” and an upstream activity of the digital enterprise, a total quality approach within software houses, within data centres, and any service provider in continuous interaction, and interplay in the Cloud.

Students will be led to discuss established and emerging assurance:

- concepts
- objectives
- theory
- practice and
- trends

to the ends on the above assets, by organisations as cited above.

Such habitual enterprise and professional intent for quality digital assets and services will be seen to have relevance and immediacy in the fast-mutating scenarios of analytics, ML / AI being deployed, used, depended upon at pace. An e-trust revised, re-purposed for what innovation is emerging at pace.

- understand and communicate digital quality as objectives, methods, automation related to such inputs, outputs, software products / systems
- appreciate that is a tall order, translating to all digital activity: Service(s), Cloud / data centre(s), Software development, and Data / information, that all need to be sound, trustworthy

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- undertake further academic and/or professional study and/or dissertation / research in the area
- reason on and about increasing data-rich, data-intensive, data-driven systems heighten the need for information assurance beyond hardware and software
- appreciate the rapidly mutating possibilities of the above e.g. analytics and ML / AI, e.g. in specific digital asset development / deployment roles or positions

2. Skills:

By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

- contribute / operate as junior participants in eService Data Centre / Cloud work
- contribute / operate as junior participants in real-world deliberations on software as a digital asset, and its assurance e.g. in Software House work, with enhancing use / dependency of analytics and ML / AI, e.g. in provider enterprises or client enterprises
- contribute / operate as junior participants in real-world deliberations on data / information as digital assets, as input and output in all business activity, with enhancing use of analytics and foresight work, in ML / AI across industrial sectors

Students will have, besides Books in the University library a selection of materials on the VLE such as:

- Case Studies
- Product / System Reports, Surveys
- Industry / digital sector Reports
- Qualitative / Quantitative Survey studies
- VLE materials on complement learnings in Lectures, class discussion, individual independent study, and Group study initiatives among students

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:


From Industry 4.0 to Quality 4.0: An Innovative TQM Guide for Sustainable Digital Age Businesses, Timothy Adesanya Ibidapo, Springer, 2023
Modern Software Engineering: Doing What Works to Build Better Software Faster, Farley D., Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN-13: 978-0137314911, 2022
Data Governance: Governing data for sustainable business, Holt A., BCS, 2021

Environmental Scanning at student's initiative:

Students would be habitually following emerging issues and trends in business and technology at their own initiative, through emerging sources in addition of the forgoing

Additional Sources: Internet

Market Watch:

- Gartner Group;
- Forrester Research;

Academia – Management:

- IMD – Lusanne;
- INSEAD – Fontainebleau;
- Universita’ Commerciale Luigi Bocconi – Milan;
- Said Business School – Oxford University;
- Judge Business School – Cambridge University;


Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Examination (2 Hours) SEM2 Yes 100%

LECTURER/S Robert M. Cachia


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.