Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Engineering Materials 2

UM LEVEL 04 - Years 4, 5 in Modular UG or PG Cert Course


DEPARTMENT Metallurgy and Materials Engineering

DESCRIPTION This study-unit will focus on a number of high-performance advanced and emerging material systems. The topics covered will include:
• High performance composites including CFRPs, ceramic matrix composites and metal matrix composites used in demanding applications such as aerospace and automotive structural applications.
• Advanced polymers and their synthesis and processing to tailor their properties for challenging environments.
• High-performance, light-weight structural metals such as alloys based on Ti, Ti-Al, Mg and emerging classes such as high entropy alloys.
• Materials used in elevated temperature conditions such as engines and exhaust systems including high performance near-alpha Ti alloys, nickel super alloys and cobalt based super alloys.
• Barrier and interface technologies for high temperature applications (including corrosion and wear systems at elevated temperatures).
• An overview of high performance dielectrics and solid state electrolytes.
• A brief overview of degradation modes active in intensive conditions and performance testing applied.
• Repair and joining of such components.
• Case studies on a number of automotive and aerospace component applications such as exhaust valves, piston parts, engine components and landing gear materials focusing on micro-structural engineering approaches taken to optimize such components.

Study-unit Aims:

This study-unit aims to explain the relation between the internal structure of materials and their macroscopic mechanical, and thermal properties, providing background to high performance materials. These domains often require precise tailoring of material properties to reduce weight when considering structural applications (e.g. aerospace components). A separate class of high-performance alloys are also used at elevated temperatures in corrosive environments (such as in power generation systems or power storage applications) which will be elucidated. This study-unit aims to provide a comprehensive and sound understanding of advanced materials systems and add-on to more fundamental topics covered in MME3201 together with their limitations and strategies for tailoring and improving their performance.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding:
Given a performance application define the overall requirements for the application together with a candidate material(s) for such an application and describe how such a material is designed to fulfill this application.
• Explain the effect of polymer structure, bonding, crystallinity, and constituents in a polymeric blend on the properties obtained.
• Explain the role of the different phases in ceramic and metal matrix composites.
• Describe and demonstrate the role of microstructural engineering in high performance metals.
• Explain the importance of the reinforcement-matrix interface in ceramic and metal matrix composites and its behavior during degradation.
• List the basic degradation mechanisms at high temperatures such as oxidation and creep and describe the ongoing mechanisms in some detail.
• Describe the testing procedures for high-performance materials.

2. Skills:
• Identify the requirements posed by the operational and environmental conditions such as low weight, high strength - elevated temperature conditions.
• Select potential candidate materials for demanding environments.
• Select testing to characterize such materials.
• Identify degradation mechanisms in demanding environments and select suitable protective measures.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

- Composite Materials Engineering and Science - F.L. Matthews and R.D. Rawaings (CRC press, 1999).
- High Performance Polymers 2nd Edition, Johannes Fink (Elsevier 2014).
- Classic and Advanced Ceramics - R.B. Heimann (Wiley, 2010).
- Advanced Composite materials for Aerospace engineering: Processing, properties and applications (Elsevier 2016) Eds. Sohel Rana and Faul Fangueiro.
- Superalloys A Technical Guide, M.J. Donachie, S.J. Donachie (2002).
- Advanced Composite Materials for Aerospace Engineering: Processing, Properties and Applications - S. Rana, R. Fangueiro (2016).
- Handbook of Solid State Batteries, 2nd Edition. Edited by Nancy J. Dudney, William C. West and Jagjit Nanda. World Scientific, 2015. Pp. 836.

ADDITIONAL NOTES Pre-requisite Study-units: MME2205, MME3201

STUDY-UNIT TYPE Lecture, Independent Study, Practicum & Tutorial

Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM1 No 10%
Oral Examination SEM1 No 15%
Examination (2 Hours) SEM1 Yes 75%



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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
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It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.