Study-Unit Description

Study-Unit Description


TITLE Professional Issues

UM LEVEL 04 - Years 4, 5 in Modular UG or PG Cert Course



DEPARTMENT Occupational Therapy

DESCRIPTION The first part of the study-unit reviews how the occupational therapist derives a sense of identity from the profession's philosophy and values. To do this it explores the different occupational therapy roles and how these can be used to provide a professional service based on the required competencies. The role of the Occupational Therapist as a clinician and key educator in today's multicultural context is reviewed at length. The unit devotes a substantial amount of time to emphasize the importance of adherence to a Code of Professional Conduct and to the use a specific model to make informed ethical choices in resolving problems and dilemmas that can arise in different OT settings/clinics and in research.

The second part of the unit is devoted solely to clinical governance and evidence-based practice. It introduces a framework of quality management encompassing standards of practice, outcome measurement and evidence based practice.


Part 1

- Professional Identity: Philosophical Basis of OT Practice; Values underpinning practice
- OT roles: Career exploration and development
- Review of Code of Ethics
- Ethical Dilemma Scenarios - using the DECIDE Model/Ethical Considerations in practice
- The Occupational Therapist as an Educator - Problems encountered and use of situational appropriate teaching methods to enhance patient Compliance
- Providing Occupational Therapy in a multicultural context.

Part 2
- Clinical Governance
- Outcome Measurement
- Evidence - Based Practice 1
- Evidence - Based Practice 2.

Study-unit Aims:

This study-unit aims to:
- consolidate a sense of Professional Identity;
- understand the importance of the different roles that an Occupational Therapist has to undertake during his/her career;
- ensure that students understand the importance of adhering to the Professions Code of Conduct and acquire the required competencies for practice;
- introduce students to the local Code of Professional Conduct and solve ethical problems and dilemmas;
- instill in students positive attitudes towards lifelong learning;
- assist the occupational therapy student to become an effective educator;
- introduce the student to a changing cultural context and its implications for change in current treatment programmes;
- give definitions of quality and quality assurance, efficiency and effectiveness;
- understand the principles and challenges of assessment and outcome measurement in occupational therapy;
- understand the principles and process of evidence-based practice.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Knowledge & Understanding
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

1. analyse how occupational therapy's underlying principles, philosophy and values contribute towards the profession’s identity;
2. compare objectively how OT values differ from those of the medical profession;
3. appreciate the different roles undertaken by the OT;
4. become familiar with terminology used in ethics;
5. articulate concepts and dilemmas related to ethics and develop awareness of the importance to develop correct ethical conduct;
6. review both local and foreign Codes of Ethical Conduct and Standards of Practice and use a systematic framework to solve ethical problems and dilemmas;
7. recognize the importance of developing lifelong learning attitudes and perspectives within one’s professional practice;
8. examine the EU position on the role of lifelong learning and get an overview of different methods used in Continuing Professional Development;
9. analyse the role of the OT as a teacher/educator in the clinical setting;
10. reflect on implications of different cultural milieus on treatment selection/provision and patient education;
11. identify the principles underlying governance, evidence based practice and outcome measurement and their relevance to practice;
12. explore different outcome measures;
13. consider the challenges of assessment and outcome measures and their application to the local context;
14. demonstrate a grasp of concepts such as hierarchy of evidence, systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and meta-analysis;
15. Understand the strengths and weaknesses of EBP.

2. Skills
By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to:

1. Explain to others (general public or other healthcare professionals) what occupational therapists do and why;
2. Appreciate the different roles undertaken by the OT and use them as a guide in career exploration and development;
3. Develop the capacity to make informed ethical choices;
4. Use the DECIDE Model to analyse scenarios that pose ethical dilemmas and determine what would be the most appropriate behaviour for the therapist to adopt;
5. Explore possible methods of acquiring knowledge after graduation eg. Further academic education and setting up and maintaining professional portfolios;
6. Use appropriate teaching methods with peers and clients/carers;
7. Provide treatment that takes into consideration one's cultural norms and behaviours;
8. Incorporate in their practice quality and quality assurance practices and have basic ability to measure efficiency and effectiveness;
9. link issues of effectiveness and efficiency;
10. Select measures that appropriately address different outcomes of occupational therapy intervention;
11. Apply EBP to a practice issue by posing a clinical question, examining and critiquing evidence.

Main Text/s and any supplementary readings:

Notes pack supplied by tutor for Part 1 of the course that covers various aspects of OT philosophy, values, codes of ethical conduct, OT roles especially the clinical and educator roles. Pack will include resources such as articles, chapters from books, the web, professional associations etc.



Assessment Component/s Assessment Due Sept. Asst Session Weighting
Assignment SEM1 Yes 50%
Assignment SEM1 Yes 50%

LECTURER/S Fiona Fraser
Joanne Bellia


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The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints.
Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice.
It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years.