CODE | PHY1168 | ||||||||
TITLE | Synoptic Physics and Problem Solving | ||||||||
UM LEVEL | 01 - Year 1 in Modular Undergraduate Course | ||||||||
MQF LEVEL | 5 | ||||||||
ECTS CREDITS | 6 | ||||||||
DEPARTMENT | Physics | ||||||||
DESCRIPTION | Physics has undergone an extended branching into multiple sub-disciplines having, however, all in common the use of the scientific method. In this study-unit, students will be trained to the use of the inductive and deductive reasoning, to the concept of modelization of a physical system, to recognise relevant and irrelevant quantities in dynamical processes, to the appropriate use of the mathematical tools for problem-solving, to the order-of-magnitude estimation of physical quantities, and to the physical interpretation of mathematical results. This study-unit integrates and interconnects the knowledge acquired by the students from other first-year study-units in a hands-on approach. Study-unit Aims: The study-unit aims to present in a unified framework the scientific approach to the investigation of natural phenomena. It will utilise and complement the contents of the simultaneously ongoing study-units of the programme in order both to support the latter with a problem-solving study-unit and to present the students an interactive workplace where newly learned concepts and methods from different study-units can be interlaced and put to work in a coherent and interdisciplinary way. Learning Outcomes: 1. Knowledge & Understanding By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: - Connect disparate elements of physics together; - Conduct key problem-solving techniques in synoptic physics; - Explain back-of-the-envelope calculations; - Describe the relationship between different topics in first-year physics; - Understand the practical dimension to physics; - Interpret the analytical result of a calculation; - Perform dimensional-analysis checks of equations; - Utilise approximations in problem-solving and understand their range of validity; - Utilise Probabilistic reasoning; - Apply order-of-magnitude and logarithmic estimation; - Understand the role of dimensional and dimensionless quantities; - Homogenize the mathematical background in vector analysis related topics (covering an introduction to vectors, dot product, cross product, straight lines in vector notation, planes in vector notation). - Transform functions into its Fourier series equivalent and explore its application in different fields of physics. 2. Skills By the end of the study-unit the student will be able to: - Estimate order-of-magnitude estimates in different elements of physics; - Perform calculations using different elements of physics; - Utilize techniques from key problem-solving techniques in physics; - Determine approximate back-of-the-envelope calculations; - Draw relationships between different topics in physics; - Design experimental tests for theoretical concepts; - Formulate theoretical models from experimental results; - Apply physical intuition and mathematical rigor to problem-solving; - Formulate and motivate qualitative predictions about physical phenomena; - Identify the set of approximations in problem-solving; - Identify sources of error in approximations; - Apply various mathematical tools in vector analysis (covering an introduction to vectors, dot product, cross product, straight lines in vector notation, planes in vector notation); - Ability to express a periodic function into its Fourier series equivalent and use it to solve physical problems. Main Text/s and any supplementary readings: Main Text/s and sources: The study-unit is self-contained and does not necessitate specific textbooks. However, interested readers are directed to the supplementary material. Supplementary readings: - Sanjoy Mahajan, The Art of Insight in Science and Engineering-Mastering Complexity, The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England, 2014. |
STUDY-UNIT TYPE | Tutorial | ||||||||
LECTURER/S | Gabriel Farrugia Jackson Said |
The University makes every effort to ensure that the published Courses Plans, Programmes of Study and Study-Unit information are complete and up-to-date at the time of publication. The University reserves the right to make changes in case errors are detected after publication.
The availability of optional units may be subject to timetabling constraints. Units not attracting a sufficient number of registrations may be withdrawn without notice. It should be noted that all the information in the description above applies to study-units available during the academic year 2024/5. It may be subject to change in subsequent years. |